Re: V3 and HK2

From: Stefan Arentz <>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 18:06:20 +0200

On May 14, 2007, at 6:52 PM, Jerome Dochez wrote:

>> We will have to wait for Mr Jerome to surface after J1...
> resurface was the right word...

Must have been exhausting :-)

> so the short answer is no, I am not trying to make it web centric
> yet I realize that most folks are using the web platform. Anyhow,
> the long answer is that there are some applications container which
> are both handling an application type and serving particular url
> types. Take for example Phobos, you have phobos applications which
> are packaged in a jar file like a web app for instance but the
> phobos engine is also capable of serving isolated .ejs files. So v3
> really need to start the phobos engine when someone is deploying a
> phobos application OR if someone is accessing a .ejs in the docroot
> of the web server.
> For the containers that do not have a web front end, they really
> should return null from getURLPattern(). I think that I could split
> the interfaces in 2 but I felt that it was a bit of an overkill at
> this point. For now, I will make this situation (and the optional
> nature of getURLPattern) more explicit in the javadocs and if the
> community feel that we should have 2 interfaces, they should speak up.
> Thanks for trying V3, let me know if I can be of further help.

Hi Jerome,

Let me explain a bit what I'm trying to do.

I'm looking for a lean and mean application server. I would rather
not call it application Server since that implies that I am looking
for a J2EE solution, which is exactly that I'm trying to prevent.

I'm interested in something small and basic that I can extend with a
deployer that can fetch (spring) application modules and it's
dependencies from a network repository. For example from Amazon's S3
or a private (DAV enabled) Maven repository. And redeploy those
applications when a new version is put in the repository.

I would probably like to add some basic services to the container
like JMX and a maybe a small embedded Jetty instance for a tiny admin
interface. The rest would be downloaded from the repository. Looks
like HK2 is very well suited for this.

What I want seems to be somewhere in between the functionality of HK2
and GF V3.

Sorry, I know this sounds rather vague. Just thinking out loud :-)
