Re: New SwingX Login Dialog

From: Miroslav Nachev <>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 16:27:53 +0300

Dear Ron,

I mean this:
> a. the user agent (which appears to be a browser) is using the private
> key corresponding to its certificate to produce a crytographic
> authenticator for verification by the server, or
In my case I would like the web browser user agent to be replaced from
Swing user agent. I think that this will not be a problem. The
certificate with related private and public keys are on the client side.
The server side keep only the certificate and public key.

Best Regards,
Miroslav Nachev

Ron Monzillo wrote:
> Miroslav Nachev wrote:
>> Hi Ron,
>>> I don't fully understand your use model (especially the relationship
>>> between 4.3 and the username/password mechanism
>> In Bulgaria and in tested European Internet banking the authorization
>> process is in 2 stages:
>> 1. SSL Username/Password
> Miroslav,
> I still don't understand.
> I presume step 1 is BASIC Auth over SSL or (something equivalent).
>> 2. Certificate authorization where the certificate is generated from
>> the bank in most cases.
> what exactly is step 2. For me to understand, it would help to show
> the msg flows, but maybe you can just answer the follwoing.
> By "certificatate authorization" do you mean
> a. the user agent (which appears to be a browser) is using the private
> key corresponding to its certificate to produce a crytographic
> authenticator for verification by the server, or
> b. the user-agent/browser is verifying the certificate of the server,
> to ensure that the browser is communicating (i.e. exchanging its
> password) with the proper service, or
> c. something else
> thanks,
> Ron
> ps: in jsse, (b) can be implemented using a hostname verifier; but in
> this case, the verifier runs just after the ssl handshake is complete,
> and before the username and password is exchanged.
>> If the Username/Password is not passed, then the 2nd authorization
>> (certificate) is not started.
>> If the Username/Password is passed, then the certificate
>> authorization is started. If and only the certificate authorization
>> is passed you can continue with Internet Banking. At the moment Web
>> certificate authorization use the default certificate store in the
>> active web browser like Mozilla or Internet explorer. In my case I
>> use PKCS#11 (SmartCard) to store the certificates. Before I am used
>> PKCS#12 or integrated.
>> Regards,
>> Miro.
>> Ron Monzillo wrote:
>>> Miroslav,
>>> I don't fully understand your use model (especially the relationship
>>> between 4.3 and the username/password mechanism, but that may be
>>> immaterial. Let me try to focus on your first question. Glassfish is
>>> the reference implementation for jsr 196, which is the java
>>> authentication spi for containers. The spec is in proposed final
>>> draft, and will soon be submitted for finalization ballot.
>>> Chapter 3 of the spec defines how to use the spi to add support for
>>> a new authentication mechanism to a compatible servlet container.
>>> The spec does not define interfaces for items 5 and 6 in your list;
>>> however, it may be best to handle both by directing the user to
>>> interact with an authentication service on which the
>>> application/servlet container relies (such as an openSSO identity
>>> provider).
>>> The 196 spec can be found at:
>>> Ron
>>> Miroslav Nachev wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am going to design and develop new SwingX based Login dialog (see
>>>> the attached images), because the existing one which is in the
>>>> GlassFish is not enough. I am not sure but I think that the new
>>>> functionality will require new Server part.
>>>> *Can you give me some suggestions how to do the server part?*
>>>> The functionality is as follow:
>>>> 1. Username/Password login;
>>>> 2. After unsuccessful authorization the Error message dialog will
>>>> be shown (wrong username or password).
>>>> 3. After Cancel or Close nothing will happen
>>>> 4. After successful authorization:
>>>> 4.1. the username and language will be saved in the user local
>>>> profile to be used on the next login in ComboBox;
>>>> 4.2. if remember password is checked the password will be
>>>> stored in the user local folder in JKS format;
>>>> 4.3. if on the Server part is checked Certificate authorization
>>>> which is required for the Bank authentications the Certificate
>>>> authentication will be started.
>>>> 5. If the user is new, then can be used button for new user
>>>> registration in "Options" expansion.
>>>> 6. If the user can not remember the password, the "forgot your
>>>> password" can be used from "Options" expansion.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Miroslav Nachev
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