Re: Proposal for consideration to load JavaDB classes by System ClassLoader instead of Extension ClassLoader in GlassFish

From: Max Poon <>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2007 16:34:26 +0800

Max Poon wrote:
> Hi Kedar
> We've got Glassbox (which uses AspectJ LTW) to be running very well on
> GlassFish with the proposed change, for our JavaOne 2007 Hands-On Lab
> 1420. You can refer to Sun Developer Network (SDN) JavaOne 2007 Online
> Hands-On Lab 1402
> <>
> for more details of our lab and configurations instructions for GlassFish.
Sorry the latest version of the lab instructions used at JavaOne is
available on Sun internal web link
and should be available also publicly on the above SDN link in a few
more weeks from now.
> Btw, is there a recommended limit on the length of GlassFish's system
> classpath? Can you elaborate more on the issues regarding length of
> system classpath?
> Thanks
> Max
> Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>> Max,
>> I think this is a valid concern. Though I am not a 100% sure, one of
>> the reasons these classes
>> are not on the system classpath is to reduce the length of the
>> classpath which was known to
>> cause some issues. Currently, only the PELaunch and few other classes
>> are available in the system-classpath and
>> as such is loaded by the System CL. The rest is taken care of by the
>> classloading mechanism that
>> is documented extensively (Also read Sivakumar Thyagarajan's Blog).
>> Frankly, I don't see any issues with this proposal. Can you give it a
>> try and see if it works?
>> Kedar
>> Max Poon wrote:
>>> Greetings *
>>> Is the any specific reason why JavaDB (org.apache.derby.*) classes
>>> are loaded via Extensions ClassLoader instead of System ClassLoader
>>> in GlassFish, since Extensions ClassLoader seems to be used for
>>> loading optional packages to core Java packages, mostly the javax.*
>>> classes ?
>>> >From JDK documentation on Java Extension Mechansim :
>>> "Optional packages are the new name for what used to be known as
>>> /standard extensions/. The "extension mechanism" is that
>>> functionality of the JDK and JRE that supports the use of optional
>>> packages.
>>> .......
>>> A optional package is an implementation of an open, standard API
>>> (examples of optional packages from Sun are JavaServlet
>>> <>, Java3D
>>> <>, JavaManagement
>>> <>). Most optional
>>> packages are rooted in the javax.* namespace, although there may be
>>> exceptions."
>>> Especially in case of deploying AspectJ applications where the
>>> AspectJ weaver is loaded in GlassFish's System ClassLoader via the
>>> Java language agent (-javaagent:xxx.jar), the application classes
>>> weavable with AspectJ are limited to those which can "see" the
>>> AspectJ weaver classes and the aspects being weaved which are
>>> typically loaded in GlassFish's System ClassLoader. Loading
>>> database driver related (e.g. Derby) classes via Extension
>>> ClassLoader will render weaving on those classes not possible.
>>> This seems to be in sync with the strategy with loading of
>>> "non-core" classes via Bootstrap or Extension ClassLoader should be
>>> minimized.
>>> This will also facilitate deployment of AspectJ weaving applications
>>> on GlassFish. For example, we explicitly modified GlassFish's
>>> jvm-options to have derby jars and classes loaded via GlassFish's
>>> System ClassLoader to enable JDBC connection and statement execution
>>> monitoring by GlassBox <> on GlassFish, which may
>>> be by default enabled on other web containers like Tomcat without
>>> similar jvm-option modification needed :
>>> The following 3 additional jars are required to be entered and
>>> included in the AppServer Class Path configuration
>>> * ${com.sun.aas.derbyRoot}/lib/derby.jar
>>> * ${com.sun.aas.derbyRoot}/lib/derbyclient.jar
>>> * ${com.sun.aas.derbyRoot}/lib/derbynet.jar
>>> The following string is required to be deleted from -Djava.ext.dir
>>> JVM option
>>> * ${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.derbyRoot}/lib
>>> so that java.ext.dir is now
>>> *
>>> -Djava.ext.dirs=${com.sun.aas.javaRoot}/jre/lib/ext${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/lib/ext
>>> Appreciate any comments/advice.
>>> Thanks
>>> Max