How to add spring container

From: Imran M Yousuf <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 11:07:43 +0600

Dear Developers,

I would like add the spring container and demonstrate to the developer
community. I would like to implement the following steps:

   1. Deploy a JAR that will contain the the Spring ApplicationContext
   Descriptor in a file name applicationContext-ProjectName.xml.
   2. When the Server Engine starts it will load the
   applicationContext-ProjectName.xml and deploy dummy beans in a JNDI
   location /spring/jar-name/ProjectName/BeanName
   3. When someone uses the Resource
   /spring/jar-name/ProjectName/BeanName I will get the bean from the
   ApplicationContext and return.

I would be greatful if someone would kindly help me in identifying the
modules that I would need to work on in order to achieve the above.

Thanks in advance,
