Re: About Spring Container

From: Imran M Yousuf <>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 11:24:19 +0600

Thanks Pelegri, it was quite helpful; but what I was wondering is Spring
beans DI'd in EJB; for example, I want to use JMSTemplate or JndiTemplate or
JDBCTemplate for its ease.

So what I had in mind is that a Spring application will be deployed with
applicationContext.xml only (without web.xml), container will initialize the
bean and automatically add the bean names to JNDI, e.g.
/spring/contextName/beanName. Whenever someone looks up the bean the
container will get it from the JNDI. In this way if we can integrate the App
Context with the container, it could also contain Quartz services and thus.

I would like more feedbacks from the community about it.



On 5/30/07, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <> wrote:
> Check with the Spring subproject in JAX-WS. Also look for Spring blogs
> in TheAquarium...
> - eduard/o
> Imran M Yousuf wrote:
> > Dear Developers,
> >
> > I am a fan of the GlassFish project and would like to see GlassFish
> > providing integration with Spring Framework. I am very interested to
> > work on this if noone has already started :), and if someone has started
> > I would like to join him. I have in mind what and how I intend to
> > implement, if the developer community agrees I would like to present my
> > idea.
> > Waiting for a reply from the community.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Imran M Yousuf
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Imran M Yousuf
Entrepreneur & Software Engineer
Smart IT Engineering
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mobile: +880-1711402557