Service Invocation

From: chris.liao <>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 21:37:57 +0800


I am sorry for bothering you.Now,I want to invoke service's interface by a simple way.

The below way is feasible ? Please help me.

1: define service file

//Math.xml: this file will be deployed on server

<service id =”Math” class=”math.MathService” >
<property id =”assistants”>
   <entry id =”cal ” value =”math.Cal ” >

2: Define Class files

package math;
public class MathService extends J2eeAbstractService{

package math;
public class Cal extends J2eeAbstractAssistant{

 * @BI
 public int add(int a, int b){
   return (a + b);

* @BI
 public int del(int a, int b) {
   return (a – b);


3: Generate interface file for service
 I think we can use some tools to generate some interface files,the following XML is expected result.
  Of cource, We can also use a tool to generate stub file for service's aspect assistant, this like EJB stub file.

<service id =”Math” >

<aspect id=”cal”>
 <BI id =”add”>

 <BI id =”del”>



4:How to contol invocation

J2eeService service = serviceContainer.getService(netRequest.getServiceId());
J2eeAssistant ast = service.getAssisant(netRequest.getAspectId());
Method method = ast.getDeclaredMehtod(netRequest.getOperation());
Object result = method.invoke(ast,netRequest.getParameters());

我个人是想尝试组件以外的方式来处理业务应用,在这过程我使用了服务方面助手来做EJB组件同样的事情,以达到企业应用.这个构思可以吗? 谢谢!

Chris Liao