Intermittent CVS Access Issue Update - Tuesday 3 pm PDT

From: Jim Wright <>
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 15:27:03 -0700



Projects on continue to experience intermittent CVS

access. The CN team is continuing work to find the root cause.

This is a P1 outage, and it has been in full escalation since

Friday evening.


We are still hampered by our inability to directly replicate

the failures as reported to us.


Jamey Wood and Terena Chinn-Fujii of Glassfish have provided

information about their last nightly build, which we captured

with full DEBUG logging. They have offered to work with us

as needed to generate a more detailed characterization of the

bug. This is invaluable.


I would like to express our appreciation for their time and

effort in helping us to address this problem.







Jim Wright

Developer Network Community Facilitator

CollabNet, Inc.; 8000 Marina Blvd., Suite 600

Brisbane, California 94005-1865, USA

Ph: +1 650 228-2500, Cell: +1 510 499-4135