Re: HA/in-memory replication

From: kedar <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 13:36:51 -0700

Ashish Sahni wrote:
> Comment/question inline:
> kedar wrote:
>> Ashish Sahni wrote:
>>> Please see inline:
>>> kedar wrote:
>>>>> Another question I need answered
>>>> We will satisfy all your needs :)
>>> I hope not ;)
>>>>> since I can't actually verify this now -
>>>>> For the application session data to be replicated across
>>>>> instances, does the data (stored
>>>>> in HttpSession) have to be 'instanceof Serializable' ?
>>>> I would think so. I hope that you are not storing complex
>>>> data structures in the session though.
>>> Define complex ?
>> Anything that's not simple. Example: a Hashtable<String,String>.
> I'd like to know where you are coming from. Is it only performance
> of the replication process that's behind this call or is there more to
> it.
> And are we (trying to) enforcing this in any way ?
> The reason I bring this up is because you can bet what gets stored as
> session data
> in a lot of apps is a lot more 'complex' than a 'simple' hashtable.
There are no assumptions about what can be stored in a session.
You can store anything and everything as long as it is Serializable.
All I was trying to suggest was just make sure that all you store
in session is what you need. This is especially true in HA situations.
session is expensive. Just be aware of that while you do your app.

> Thanks
> Ashish
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