Hi Siva
the problem is not with the WebappClassloader. The problem happens
because a component (an object) outside the WebContainer is caching the
WebappClassloader for future usage (most probably a Thread). When the
application associated with a WebAppClassloader is undeployed, that
WebappClassloader becomes invalid. Any tentative to re-use this
Classloader will throw a ThreadDeath exception. Hence if a component
have reference to that Classloader, trying to load a class using it will
result in a exception.
We are currently working with the Corba team to find where the Context
Classloader (WebppClassloader) is cached.
-- Jeanfrancois
Sivakumar Thyagarajan wrote:
> Hi Ken
> I own classloaders but this seems to be a web app classloaders issue.[
> trying to load a class from a webappclassloader that has been stopped ].
> Could you ensure that the web-appclassloader in your hierarchy has not
> been stopped? Does this happen during app redeployment ?
> Jan Luehe might be able to help us further.
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/source/browse/glassfish/appserv-webtier/src/java/org/apache/catalina/loader/WebappClassLoader.java
> Thanks
> --Siva.
> Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
>> I need to re-assign bug 6545419. It is currently filed against CORBA,
>> but the
>> root cause is a Webapp ClassLoader that throws ThreadDeath (because
>> it's no
>> longer deployed?). This causes the ORB to fail in an attempt to call
>> Class.forName
>> on a class (IIOPOutputStream) that is in appserv-rt.jar.
>> To whom should I assign this bug?
>> Thanks,
>> Ken.
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