Re: Changing the <soap:address location=...> in WSDL file

From: Chris Loftus <>
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:52:55 +0000

Hi Vijay,

> There is no way to change the host and port through wsgen.
> Note that the host and port with which the WSDL is published is those
> values present in the incoming WSDL request.
> So if the client requested the WSDL with URL
> http://pcpcwl:8080/CalculatorWS/CaclculatorWSService?WSDL, then the
> WSDL is published with pcpcwl as host and 8080 as port.
> If the client requested the WSDL with URL
> http://localhost:8080/CalculatorWS/CaclculatorWSService?WSDL, then the
> WSDL is published with localhost as host and 8080 as port.

This was not my experience when sending a request from a browser client.
E.g. I have just started the SJSAS 9.0_01 (b14) app server on a Solaris
10 computer called dante. This is running a web service where the WSDL
was generated automatically using wsgen (actually via netbeans deployment).

When I use the following URL in a browser on a PC client:

I received the following:

<definitions targetNamespace="http://ws/" name="CalculatorWSService">
       <xsd:import namespace="http://ws/"
   <service name="CalculatorWSService">
    <port name="CalculatorWSPort" binding="tns:CalculatorWSPortBinding">

So as you can see it uses the servers name in the WSDL rather than the
IP address that I used in the URL. And my PC cannot access the domain
name dante using that name.

Do you think it could be a bug in that particular version of the app



> Vijay
> Chris Loftus wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there a way to get wsgen to change the WSDL <soap:address
>> location=uri..> ? When deploying locally the name of my PC is used: e.g.
>> http://pcpcwl:8080/CalculatorWS/CaclculatorWSService
>> The problem is that this name is also included in the WSDL element:
>> <xsd:schema>
>> <xsd:import namespace="http://ws/"
>> schemaLocation="http://pcpcwl:8080/CalculatorWS/CaclculatorWSService/__container$publishing$subctx/WEB-INF/wsdl/CaclculatorWSService_schema1.xsd"/>
>> </xsd:schema>
>> When a web service client imports this it fails since it doesn't know
>> the host pcpcwl.
>> How can I configure the hostname to use in the WSDL file? There
>> didn't seem to even be a way of manually editing this file on the
>> server side, either via the admin console, or netbeans or the wsgen
>> command in the build.xml file.
>> One workround suggested is to obtain the WSDL file and then edit it
>> manually on the server side to change the URI values and then use the
>> @WebService and its WSDL attribute. However, if there's some way to
>> specify the host when automatically generating WSDL from the wsgen
>> command then that would be better.
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris
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Chris Loftus mbcs
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Dept of Computer Science
Penglais, Aberystwyth
Ceredigion, SY23 3DB
Wales, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1970 622422