Re: Glassfish API to start/stop

From: Ashish Sahni <Ashish.Sahni_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:57:49 -0800

That was not obvious, but is the least of my worries. Some notes:

- First, the glassfish binary is not present in a maven2 repository, is
it ?
- glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar seems to be downloadable from<platform> as a maven2
legacy depedency
but it still complains about checksum validation failure and .pom
lookups in subsequent runs
- The setup/installation does seem to be fairly convoluted. If these
steps are documented,
or if anybody has done the setup installation via a maven2 project, let
me know.

To reiterate my original request - looking for the glassfish server
runtime used in 'embedded' mode
ie., from within a java program. Am I looking for v3 ;)


Byron Nevins wrote:

> This is probably obvious, but just to be absolutely clear:
> these techniques are not officially supported.
> Byron Nevins wrote:
>> package: com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.launch
>> module: admin/servermgmt
>> I wrote DASLauncher and DASLauncherInfo a while ago. You can start
>> DAS with them. Someday soon when I have some time I will document
>> them thoroughly. You can take a look at them and try them out if you
>> like. If you go this route and have questions or problems let me
>> know...
>> Also -- you can run the startserv script in the domain's bin directory.
>> Ashish Sahni wrote:
>>> DAS I suppose. In a bit more detail -
>>> I'm trying to write maven tests that test out the application on
>>> GlassFish.
>>> The tests would run something like this
>>> #1 download glassfish binary (as a maven test dependency)
>>> #2 do minimal setup/configuration, start GF server
>>> #3 deploy app, run tests, tear down
>>> I'm primarily looking for doing #2 programmatically.
>>> Thanks
>>> Ashish
>>> Byron Nevins wrote:
>>>> Are you asking about applications or DAS?
>>>> Ashish Sahni wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm looking for an example on howto programmatically
>>>>> start/stop (and then deploy/undeploy) the GlassFish server.
>>>>> I'm sure this API and its usage is documented/blogged somewhere
>>>>> but I can't seem to locate it.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Ashish
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