Why do we need to have two copies of activation.jar ? I would think one
copy under lib/endorsed should work just fine
Bhakti Mehta wrote:
> Tom,
> We decided to put activation in lib/endorsed because jaxb-api (as part
> of webservices-api.jar ) was in lib/endorsed and that referred to some
> classes in activation.jar and hence we needed to copy that as part of
> lib/endorsed.
> I am not sure why the sizes differ slightly?
> Regards,
> Bhakti
> Tom Amiro wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After running setup.xml to install latest nightly GF build
>> from the snapshot image for windows, I noticed that there
>> are two copies of activation.jar with slightly different
>> sizes
>> glassfish/lib/activation.jar 62928 bytes
>> glassfish/lib/endorsed/activation.jar 63066 bytes
>> Why is this the case? It seems peculiar.
>> Also, when you run setup.xml you get the following message
>>> create.domain:
>>> [exec] Option adminuser deprecated, use --user instead.
>> That should be fixed.
>> Tom
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