Re: build errors

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 15:18:17 -0700

Bill Shannon wrote On 03/16/07 09:53 PM,:

> Ok, below are the remaining errors for a successful build. Which of
> these
> lines of output can't, or shouldn't, be fixed in the source code or
> build files?
> Some that I find particularly weird are:
> <extend>../bootstrap/maven.xml</extend>build:start:
> and
> <extend>../bootstrap/maven.xml</extend><extend>../bootstrap/maven.xml</extend>bu
> ild:start:
> What's that about?
> admin-ee
> Why are there a few lines like that with just these names?
> [java] [java] ******** in addTextTOElement **********
> Did someone forget to take out a debugging println?
> [cvs] M glassfish/admin-core-ee/dtds/admin-mbeans-descriptors-ee.xml
> Is this file supposed to be modified?
> Here's the whole list:
> Total time: 1 minutes 54 seconds
> Finished at: Fri Mar 16 06:06:56 PDT 2007
> [cvs] M glassfish/admin-core-ee/dtds/admin-mbeans-descriptors-ee.xml
> [cvs] M
> glassfish/admin-ee/templates/ee80/default-domain.xml.template
> glassfish-src
> [chmod] Skipping fileset for directory
> /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/publish/gl
> assfish/lib. It is empty.
> [jar] overview.html already added, skipping
> [chmod] Skipping fileset for directory
> /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/publish/gl
> assfish/lib. It is empty.
> persistence
> <extend>../bootstrap/maven.xml</extend>build:start:
> [java] [javadoc]
> /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/servlet-api/src/jsr2
> 45/src/share/javax/el/ warning - Tag @link:
> reference not foun
> d: javax.faces.context.FacesContext
> [java] [javadoc]
> /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/servlet-api/src/jsr2
> 45/src/share/javax/el/ warning - Tag @link: reference
> not found:
> FacesContext
> [java] [javadoc]
> /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/servlet-api/src/jsr2
> 45/src/share/javax/el/ warning - Tag @link: reference
> not found:
> FacesContext
> [java] [javadoc]
> /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/servlet-api/src/jsr2
> 45/src/share/javax/el/ warning - Tag @link: reference
> not found:
> FacesContext
> [java] [javadoc] 4 warnings

Kin-Man has committed a fix that avoids the above javadoc warnings.
