PLEASE READ: GlassFish v2/9.1 Beta2 freeze dates

From: Dhiru Pandey <Dhiru.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 17:33:59 -0800

Hello Developers,

As communicated earlier the release date for GlassFish v2/9.1 Beta2 is
*May 1st, 2007*

In order to make this release date we will need to execute to the dates
given below :

    * Hard Code Freeze and Beta2 promotion build on *March 28th, 2007*
          o Please plan on checking in your fixes by 12:00 midnight PST
            March 27th, 2007

    * Beta2 branch will be created from the TRUNK on *March 28th, 2007*

    * Beta2 release candidate 1 build on *April 4th, 2007* (Only bugswat
      approved bugs allowed here in the beta2 branch)
          o Please plan on checking in your fixes by 12:00 midnight PST
            April 3rd, 2007

    * Beta2 release candidate 2 build (final build) on *April 11th,
      2007* (Only bugswat approved bugs allowed here in the beta2 branch)
          o Please plan on checking in your fixes by 12:00 midnight PST
            April 10th, 2007

For more information on this milestone release go to
