Re: Ant for GlassFish installation

From: Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 10:09:58 -0700

Arun Gupta wrote:

> Yep, this is the change I'm looking for. But I'm wondering why can't
> the perms be set to +x in the bundle itself.

This is not supported from jar/zip ant tasks: or zip.html
"Note that file permissions will not be stored in the resulting
jarfile." or "... zipfile."

But i tried few more things by doing following.. so
creates files with correct restored +x permissions but installBuilder
uses this file to create glassfish.class which doesn't restore again.

 <zipfileset dir="${install.home}/lib/ant/bin" filemode="755"
            <include name="*"/>

so that's why I updated the issue #537 that zip/unjar will not be able
to restore the permissions.

> I'd remove -Xmx256m when installing the bundle since that does not
> seem to be a requirement for past few builds now.

This is again depending on your configuration.. if you have lots of
memory already with swap/virtual memory set to higher values then it
will not be required.. but nightly builds also don't go through if we
remove it.. so we need to look at minimum configuration when setting up
these instructions.

> -Arun
> vince kraemer wrote:
>> Maybe the following text would be better?
>> Instructions to unbundle and configure GlassFish
>> To install and configure the application server (GlassFish) you need
>> to have JDK 5 installed on your system. The configuration processing
>> depends on Ant (1.6.5). The bundle includes an Ant distribution that
>> has been extended with task to facilitate developing Java EE 5
>> applications for the application server.
>> 1. Download one of the bundles to disk.
>> 2. Verify that your JDK5 installation is on your PATH, ahead of any
>> JDK 4 installations that you might have.
>> 3. Run:
>> java -Xmx256m -jar /filename.jar
>> This command will unbundle the distribution and create a new
>> directory structure rooted under a directory named 'glassfish'.
>> 4.
>> cd glassfish
>> 5. If you are using a machine with an operating system that is a
>> derivative of UNIX(tm), set the execute permission for the Ant
>> binaries that are included with the GlassFish budle.
>> chmod -R +x lib/ant/bin/
>> 6.
>> lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup.xml
>> OR
>> lib\ant\bin\ant -f setup.xml
>> To utilize the clustering support available in GlassFish V2
>> bundles, use the following command instead
>> lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup-cluster.xml
>> OR
>> lib\ant\bin\ant -f setup-cluster.xml
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