trouble using EJBTimer in a cluster in Glassfish

From: Edward Chou <Edward.Chou_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 19:05:05 -0700

Hi All,

I am trying the following scenario in the latest Glassfish nightly build
and its not working for me, any help is appreciated.

1) I created a cluster with 2 instances, and 1 nodeagent, called
"instance-ONE", "instance-TWO", "cluster1-nodeagent", respectively
2) I have a simple Stateless EJB, and it is using TimerService to create
a new Timer, see code below.
3) I then deployed this EJB to the cluster through admin-gui
4) I then invoke createTime() method through webservice on
"instance-ONE", since I exposed my EJB as WS.
5) Now I am able to see the System.out.println() in the server.log of
"instance-ONE" every 5 second, as expected.
6) Then I stop "instance-ONE" by invoking "asadmin stop-instance
7) Now, I see the following log entries in "instance-TWO" server.log

    Received Planned Shutdown Notification: instance-ONE|#]

    Planned Shutdown Notification[1]. shutdownNodeID: instance-ONE|#]

    Planned Shutdown Notification. shutdownNodeID: instance-ONE|#]

    timer migration process from owner instance-ONE to instance-TWO|#]

    has 0 timers in need of migration|#]

It complains about there is no timers to migrate from "instance-ONE" to
"instance-TWO", but I do have a timer created in "instance-ONE".
So my question is, am I doing it right or wrong? How do I use EJBTimer
in a cluster environment?

SessionBean code:

    public class TimeSessionBean implements com.sun.test.TimeSessionLocal {
        TimerService timerService;
        /** Creates a new instance of TimeSessionBean */
        public TimeSessionBean() {
        public void createTime(long initialDuration, long
    intervalDuration) {
            timerService.createTimer(initialDuration, intervalDuration,
    "testing timer");
        public void timeout(Timer timer) {
            System.out.println("timer timed out");
