Re: glassfish build errors (and warnings)

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 23:06:49 -0800

I think that every "bad" warning ought to be fixed. Some you can't do
much about -- like the warning about using Sun javac classes.
I think an official "bad" compiler warning is like an extremely high
priority "FindBugs" warning.

Bill Shannon wrote:

> Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
>> Hello Bill
>> This is regarding the build failure you had in your setup. I just did
>> a complete fresh build and did not have build failure.
>> The hudson continuous build does not seem to have this issue either
>> with building appserv-core-ee/cms sub module
>> If your cron job ran around 12.30 am last night then the job may have
>> picked up things in between check ins as I had commited the changes
>> for the updated shoal binaries and associated code at the time. I
>> had done an update build, followed by local santity tests and ee
>> quicklook (although it does not do anything with clusters) before
>> checking in.
> I updated my workspace and did another build and it worked. The
> update did
> get new versions of a few files, is it possible someone fixed the build
> problem? Or is it possible that my checkout caught things in some
> intermediate state? I did the checkout in the afternoon.
> So, what about the other issues I pointed out?...
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