I am not sure where you got the idea that target ship date will take
priority over everything else.
We will slip the target FCS date if we find that we have bugs that
compromise quality and need to be fixed.
We will however continue to set priorities for all bugs based on
functional requirments, resources and other business/marketing decisions.
Naturally, some of the bugs will not be fixed based on their priority.
But that does not mean that we will sacrifice overall quality of the
If you feel that some bug/issue has been incorrectly prioritized :
- Please send us e-mail, we will be happy to help with the bug
- Re-prioritize the bug with the appropriate justification - we will
re-evaluate that
Best Regards,
Gustav Trede wrote:
> Hello,
> So there is no goal for actual FCS quality ?
> By letting the target date take priority over everything else and
> move enough bugs to P4 just for the sake of a dead line is ....
> Pretending that the quality part of a deadline is something less
> important then the date part just because the quality is a less
> absolute , harder to quantify
> and its easy to hide on paper is that a way that make you feel good
> and proud as a software engineer?.
> Perhaps its the FCS date that is too narrow and not the P3 bugs that
> are too many ?
> It scares me that you believe that the solution for this problem is
> one sided only.
> So why do you have 2 parameters for FCS ? the date is the only part
> that is the real target anyhow.
> best regards
> gustav trede
> Dhiru Pandey wrote:
>> Hello GlassFish Developers,
>> We are almost done with GlassFish V2/9.1 Beta. Thanks again to all of
>> you for making this possible.
>> Now its time to focus on FCS for this release - in particular fixing
>> P3 bugs required for FCS.
>> We have too many P3 bugs currently:
>> P3 bugs on *Issue Tracker* (436 currently)
>> <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/buglist.cgi?Submit+query=Submit+query&issue_type=DEFECT&component=glassfish&issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&issue_status=NEW&issue_status=STARTED&issue_status=REOPENED&priority=P3&email1=&emailtype1=exact&emailassigned_to1=1&email2=&emailtype2=exact&emailreporter2=1&issueidtype=include&issue_id=&changedin=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&short_desc=&short_desc_type=substring&long_desc=&long_desc_type=substring&issue_file_loc=&issue_file_loc_type=substring&status_whiteboard=&status_whiteboard_type=substring&field0-0-0=reporter&type0-0-0=notequals&value0-0-0=gfbugbridge&field1-0-0=status_whiteboard&type1-0-0=notequals&value1-0-0=as91-na&field2-0-0=subcomponent&type2-0-0=notequals&value2-0-0=sqe-test&cmdtype=doit&namedcmd=All+JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA+bugs&newqueryname=&or%0Ader=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time>
>> P3 bugs on *Bugster* (468 currently)
>> <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsf?product=sunone_application_server&hook4Opt=2&hook5Opt=2&area=Defect&CRrelease=null%2C9*&hook5=82to91-fp-na&hook4=as91-na%2Cas91-fixed%2Cas91-beta-waived&hook3=sjsmq-issues&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&hook2=as9-na&subcategory=bugbridge_test,docs,proxy_plugin,sample_apps,test_sqe&priority=3&sbOpt=2¬Subcategory=on&sb=glassfish-bugbridge%40sun.com&lh=1&hook2Opt=2&hook3Opt=2&fields=7.-.-.7,4.a.l.20&fieldids=59,7,36,4,51,54,1,76,90>
>> We need to do a triage on these bugs and decide which of these bugs
>> must be fixed for FCS. Currently, there may be bugs that are
>> classified as P3 bugs which may not be required for this release or
>> may be some corner case that has been misclassified as a P3, etc. We
>> need to separate these bugs out.
>> In working towards that goal, please evaluate your P3 bugs and mark
>> all those bugs that *absolutely need to be fixed by FCS* by doing the
>> following:
>> *On Issue Tracker* - Please add the keyword *as91-fcs* in the Status
>> whiteboard field for all such P3 bugs
>> *On Bugster* - Please add the keyword *as91-fcs* in Hook6 field for
>> all such P3 bugs. Please ensure that all P3 bugs that are S1
>> (severity 1) are marked by adding this keyword to Hook6 field
>> Please work towards getting this done by *COB 2/16/2007*
>> Thanks,
>> -Dhiru & Sridatta
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