Wrong, wrong, wrong.
I see it's time for me to yet again explain how we are supposed to use
bug priorities. Haven't I done this at least every release for the
past, oh, I don't know, 8 years?
A bug doesn't have an inherent priority. A bug isn't born with a priority.
The priority of a bug is *our* decision. Not just a technical decision.
Not just based on the impact of the bug. Not just based on the severity of
the bug. But also based on resource, business decisions, and so on.
The priority of a bug is the *output* of our decision making process;
it reflects what we *decided*, not what a bug *is*.
If we think a bug absolutely, positively, *MUST* be fixed before FCS,
and if that one single bug is not fixed before FCS we will absolutely
hold up the release until that single bug is fixed, then we mark it as
a P3. Similarly for beta, we mark it as a P2. You can probably guess
how important a P1 bug is.
If we just *want* to fix the bug for FCS, that's a P4 bug.
If you have a P4 bug, and you want to fix it for FCS, but you don't want
to lose track of it, fill in the "target release" field with the name of
the release where you intend to fix it.
And if there are P4 bugs that you're not expecting to get to anytime
soon, well, that's why we have P5.
Do not add keywords to the bugs.
This is the way we manage 900 bugs. We divide them into categories that
are manageable. The bugs that deserve the bulk of our attention are
those that we absolutely have to fix no matter what. If there aren't
many less than 900 of those bugs, we're in deep trouble.
Remember that when you submit a bug. Remember that when you assign a
bug. Remember that when you evaluate a bug. If we aren't constantly
verifying that bug priorities are correct, we'll end up with an
unmanageable mess of thousands of bugs.
Oh, and those bug queries, they're not including all the components
that feed into GlassFish. We need to count them as well.
Dhiru Pandey wrote:
> Hello GlassFish Developers,
> We are almost done with GlassFish V2/9.1 Beta. Thanks again to all of
> you for making this possible.
> Now its time to focus on FCS for this release - in particular fixing P3
> bugs required for FCS.
> We have too many P3 bugs currently:
> P3 bugs on *Issue Tracker* (436 currently)
> <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/buglist.cgi?Submit+query=Submit+query&issue_type=DEFECT&component=glassfish&issue_status=UNCONFIRMED&issue_status=NEW&issue_status=STARTED&issue_status=REOPENED&priority=P3&email1=&emailtype1=exact&emailassigned_to1=1&email2=&emailtype2=exact&emailreporter2=1&issueidtype=include&issue_id=&changedin=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&short_desc=&short_desc_type=substring&long_desc=&long_desc_type=substring&issue_file_loc=&issue_file_loc_type=substring&status_whiteboard=&status_whiteboard_type=substring&field0-0-0=reporter&type0-0-0=notequals&value0-0-0=gfbugbridge&field1-0-0=status_whiteboard&type1-0-0=notequals&value1-0-0=as91-na&field2-0-0=subcomponent&type2-0-0=notequals&value2-0-0=sqe-test&cmdtype=doit&namedcmd=All+JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA+bugs&newqueryname=&or
> der=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time>
> P3 bugs on *Bugster* (468 currently)
> <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsf?product=sunone_application_server&hook4Opt=2&hook5Opt=2&area=Defect&CRrelease=null%2C9*&hook5=82to91-fp-na&hook4=as91-na%2Cas91-fixed%2Cas91-beta-waived&hook3=sjsmq-issues&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&hook2=as9-na&subcategory=bugbridge_test,docs,proxy_plugin,sample_apps,test_sqe&priority=3&sbOpt=2¬Subcategory=on&sb=glassfish-bugbridge%40sun.com&lh=1&hook2Opt=2&hook3Opt=2&fields=7.-.-.7,4.a.l.20&fieldids=59,7,36,4,51,54,1,76,90>
> We need to do a triage on these bugs and decide which of these bugs must
> be fixed for FCS. Currently, there may be bugs that are classified as P3
> bugs which may not be required for this release or may be some corner
> case that has been misclassified as a P3, etc. We need to separate these
> bugs out.
> In working towards that goal, please evaluate your P3 bugs and mark all
> those bugs that *absolutely need to be fixed by FCS* by doing the following:
> *On Issue Tracker* - Please add the keyword *as91-fcs* in the Status
> whiteboard field for all such P3 bugs
> *On Bugster* - Please add the keyword *as91-fcs* in Hook6 field for all
> such P3 bugs. Please ensure that all P3 bugs that are S1 (severity 1)
> are marked by adding this keyword to Hook6 field
> Please work towards getting this done by *COB 2/16/2007*
> Thanks,
> -Dhiru & Sridatta