Re: asadmin create-jvm-options usage?

From: kedar <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 15:34:58 -0800

I am not denying the possibility of a bug
here, and I am sorry if this is unnecessarily hard,
but it is important that we use the public interfaces
of the product and I thank you for giving it a chance.

Some of the issues might also related with various shell settings and
that's why I suggested the perfectly supported way in which you
can curtail the length of the command line achieving the same result.

I am really confused why it does not work with the complicated
path that you provided for the password file. The message "unclosed
string value" looks suspicious.

It is also not clear to me why you didn't see the message when
the command succeeded.

Let me get back to you with some more answers.

Jonathan Benoit wrote:
> Okay here is what i tried:
> asadmin> create-jvm-options -- "-Demma.rt.control.port=47650"
> Command create-jvm-options executed successfully.
> this works with quotes, but I really want to pass in all these
> options, including path to my adminpassword.txt, passed via
> --passwordfile option:
> asadmin> create-jvm-options --passwordfile
> /workspaces/functional/pe/emma/../../../functional/build-config/adminpassword.txt
> --user admin --terse=true --host localhost --echo=true --
> "-Demma.rt.control.port=47650"
> CLI161 Unclosed string value.
> After seeing error here, I tried to remove the "../../../" from my
> path to the adminpassword.txt file location, and that seemed to work.
> asadmin> create-jvm-options --passwordfile
> /workspaces/functional/build-config/adminpassword.txt --user admin
> --terse=true --host localhost --echo=true --
> "-Demma.rt.control.port=47650"
> create-jvm-options --passwordfile
> /workspaces/wstx/emma_coverage/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/build-config/adminpassword.txt
> --user admin --terse=true --host localhost --echo=true
> -Demma.rt.control.port=47650
> It didn't echo "Command create-jvm-options executed successfully." but
> i could delete it via:
> asadmin> delete-jvm-options -- "-Demma.rt.control.port=47650"
> Command delete-jvm-options executed successfully.
> Questions -
> why can't I pass into --passwordfile option a value that contains
> "../../.." in path which points at adminpassword.txt location?
> why doesn't create-jvm-options echo "Command create-jvm-options
> executed successfully." in the case where it created VM arg, as noted
> above?
> kedar wrote:
>> I just tried:
>> ./asadmin create-jvm-options -- "-Demma.rt.control.port=47650"
>> and it works. Maybe quotes are necessary.
>> On Feb 14, 2007, at 2:01 PM, Jonathan Benoit wrote:
>>> kedar wrote:
>>>> Use
>>>>> create-jvm-options --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --user admin
>>>>> -- terse=true --host localhost --echo=true --port 4849 -- -
>>>>> Demma.rt.control.port=47650
>>> I didn't see this format documented in the help, but it didn't work
>>> either.
>>> asadmin> create-jvm-options --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --user
>>> admin --terse=true --host localhost --echo=true --port 4849 -- -
>>> Demma.rt.control.port=47650
>>> CLI147 Invalid command, emma.rt.control.port=47650
>>> Use "help" command for a list of valid commands.
>>> fyi, my adminpassword.txt contains:
>>> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=adminadmin
>>>> I know this is a bit clumsy.
>>>> We should improve the usage if the above works.
>>>> Kedar
>>>> On Feb 14, 2007, at 1:26 PM, Jonathan Benoit wrote:
>>>>> I'm trying to use asadmin create-jvm-options to add equivalent
>>>>> of VM option -Demma.rt.control.port=47651 into domain.xml.
>>>>> I do this:
>>>>> asadmin> create-jvm-options --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --
>>>>> user admin --terse=true --host localhost --echo=true --port 4849
>>>>> \- Demma.rt.control.port=47650
>>>>> CLI147 Invalid command, mma.rt.control.port=47650
>>>>> Use "help" command for a list of valid commands.
>>>>> why this error?
>>>>> The example from help shows:
>>>>> Example 1: Using the create-jvm-options command
>>>>> JVM options must start with a dash (-). Use the backslash
>>>>> (\) to escape the dash delimiter.
>>>>> asadmin> create-jvm-options --interactive=true --secure=true
>>>>> Press enter to continue, q to quit:
>>>>> --passwordfile passwords.txt --terse=false --user admin
>>>>> --host localhost --port 4849 --target server
>>>>> \\-Dunixlocation=/root/example:-Dvariable=
>>>>> \$HOME:-Dwindowslocation=d\\:\\\sun\\\appserver:-Doption1=-
>>>>> value1
>>>>> Command create-jvm-options executed successfully
>>>>> Usage shows:
>>>>> asadmin> create-jvm-options
>>>>> Usage: create-jvm-options [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--
>>>>> interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure
>>>>> | -s] [--user admin_user] [--passwordfile file_name] [--
>>>>> profiler=false] [--target target(Default server)]
>>>>> (jvm_option_name [=jvm_option_value])[:jvm_option_name
>>>>> [=jvm_option_value]]*
>>>>> CLI020 Operand is required.
>>>>> What do I have to do to successfully create a VM arg in
>>>>> domain.xml using asadmin create-jvm-options?
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