Re: setFirstResult in conjunction with setMaxResults returns too much results

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2007 19:32:45 +0100


thanks a lot. I will try it out right now. :-)


Tom Ware schrieb:
> Hi Markus,
> I don't have the exact JDBC handy, but here's an approximation based
> on a JDBC example I have on my machine
> - get a connection eg:
> // Load the database driver
> Class.forName( "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" ) ;
> // Get a connection to the database
> // Connection conn =
> DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl",
> "scott", "tiger") ;
> - create a Prepared Statement
> PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select * from
> mytable", java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);
> - set max rows
> stmt.setMaxRows(<maxrows>);
> - execute
> boolean result = stmt.execute("Select SQL_DATE from CMP3_DATE_TIME");
> - get the result set
> ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
> - cal absolute
> rs.absolute(<firstresult>)
> Then take a look at the results.
> -Tom
> Markus KARG wrote:
>> Michael,
>> I checked it again -- sorry I did a typo: It is 15 results in common,
>> then applying setFirstResult(2) in conjunction with setMaxResults(12)
>> but not (14) as I write before -- but I am getting still 13 results,
>> which is one more than twelve. So actually it is NOT a bug in the
>> unit test, but a bug somewhere in TopLink or in the JDBC driver.
>> Tom, can you please write five short code lines what you want me to
>> check with the JDBC driver?
>> Thanks
>> Markus
>> Markus KARG schrieb:
>>> Michael,
>>> you are definitively right! Following the official description of
>>> setMaxResults in the EJB 3.0 JPA specification, the SQLAnywhere
>>> driver is working absolutely correct, while the expected result in
>>> the test is false!
>>> So I will file a bug report for that.
>>> Thanks a lot!
>>> Markus
>>> Michael Bouschen schrieb:
>>>> Hi Markus, hi Tom,
>>>> please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think returning 13 instances
>>>> for the third test is the correct query result. The description of
>>>> method setMaxResult in the spec says: "Set the maximum number of
>>>> results to retrieve.". I read this that setMaxResult specifies the
>>>> size of the query result and not the index of the last result
>>>> element. The third test case calls query.setFirstResult(2) and
>>>> query.setMaxResults(14). So it is specified to return at most 14
>>>> instances. But there are only 13 rows left when firstResult is
>>>> specified as 2 (the numbering starts at 0).
>>>> What do you think?
>>>> Regards Michael
>>>>> Hi Markus,
>>>>> There has actually been some recent discussion on the mailing list
>>>>> about setFirstResult() and setMaxResult(). Here's how they work:
>>>>> The current implementation of setFirstResult() and setMaxResult()
>>>>> make
>>>>> use of JDBC constructs rather than RDBMS constructs.
>>>>> For setMaxResult() we call the java.sql.Statement.setMaxRows(int)
>>>>> method.
>>>>> For setFirstResult() we make use of the ResultSet that is returned in
>>>>> JDBC. If firstResult is set, we build query that returns a
>>>>> TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE ResultSet and call resultSet.absolute(int) on
>>>>> that result set.
>>>>> Is it possible the result for the SQLAnywhere driver is not what
>>>>> we expect?
>>>>> -Tom
>>>>> Markus KARG wrote:
>>>>>> When I was implementing the SQLAnywhere platform I remarked a
>>>>>> failing test: complexResultPropertiesTest. That test tries three
>>>>>> things: setFirstResult, setMaxResult and a combination of both.
>>>>>> The used table holds 15 row. The first test (setFirstResult(2))
>>>>>> return 13 rows (what is correct, since 15-2=13). The second test
>>>>>> (setMaxResults(15-1)) returns 14 rows (what is correct, since
>>>>>> 15-1=14). But the third test fails. The correct result would be
>>>>>> to return 12 rows (= 15-2-1). But the actual result is 13 rows!
>>>>>> I have not seen any faulty SQL (in fact, it seems that TopLink
>>>>>> does this internally -- it does not apply any "SELECT TOP START
>>>>>> AT" range constraints to the SQL, but seems to process the range
>>>>>> constraints internally.
>>>>>> So did I detect a bug in TopLink, or where is there a fault in my
>>>>>> platform implementation?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Markus
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