Re: How to convince entity-persistence-tests to not break due to missing sequence support?

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 10:30:09 -0500

Hi Markus,

  We will have to do some work on the entity-persistence-tests to
isolate the native sequencing tests. I have added an enhancement
request to track this issue. Please feel free to add any comments you have.

  In the mean time, I think your best strategy is to temporarily change
the test models to use TABLE sequencing. I believe you will have to
change 4 classes:



Markus KARG wrote:

>Today I started implemented another DatabasePlatform (Tom, yes, it's the
>CORRECT SQL Anywhere platform we talked about) and stumbled over a
>problem I hope you can help me with:
>The platform I am using is not supporting native sequences support, so I
>did not override supportsNativeSequenceNumbers(), because
>DatabasePlatform's default is to return false -- which is correct.
>Unfortunately when I am running the entity-persistence-tests, I get the
>following in the log:
>Exception Description: ADDRESS_SEQ: platform DatabasePlatform doesn't
>support NativeSequence.
>Actually it is a strange behaviour that the tests are trying to use
>sequences, since the platform clearly declares that it doesn't support them.
>So is this my fault, or is it a bug in the entity-persistence-tests? Or
>what is "supportsNativeSequenceNumbers()" good for, if not for (at
>least) automatically leaving out sequence-related tests?
>Thanks a lot