Re: JSP debugging issues with V2 b33

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 21:04:16 -0800

Jan Luehe wrote:
> Vince Kraemer wrote On 01/31/07 03:46 PM,:
>> Jan Luehe wrote:
>>> Peter,
>>> Peter Williams wrote On 01/31/07 08:48 AM,:
>>>> The default is false? That means that all development projects
>>>> will have to manually know about this and turn it on (or the IDE
>>>> will have to be smart enough to figure it out).
>>> See Kin-Man's earlier reply: Netbeans is going to set both
>>> "keepgenerated"
>>> (which will write out the generated .java) and "saveByteCode" (which
>>> will write
>>> out the generated .class) to true when running on Java 6.
>> Is there a way to set these flags without embedding it into the
>> deployed web-app?
>> Are there some DeploymentProperties values that can be used?
>> An AMX api that can be used after the app has been deployed but
>> before the JSP pages in the app are accessed?
> These props can be set globally as init params of the JspServlet
> declared in default-web.xml,
> or individually per webapp in sun-web.xml.
> I'm afraid you won't be able to change any of these settings after
> deployment and
> before one of the webapp's JSPs is accessed, because these settings
> are implemented
> as servlet init params (as opposed to bean properties), which are not
> exposed to AMX.


Would it be possible to change the default-web.xml that is used with
"developer profile" domains?

I think we need to re-evaluate the way these setting are manipulated by
users. I would think that a moving them into the DeploymentProperties
would be a good place for them. That would allow the developer to
configure the web-app to support a very valuable capability (JSP source
level debugging) without placing a burden on the app's deployer to pay
the cost for it or change the app in production environments...

> Jan
>> thanks,
>> vbk
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