Update on Slow Download during build:[Fwd: [Fwd: Re: More HTTP 500 errors]]

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 17:14:42 -0800

This could be the cause for the slowing down of downloads. See attached

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fwd: Re: More HTTP 500 errors]
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 16:26:47 -0800
From: Gary Thompson <Gary.Thompson_at_Sun.COM>
To: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>

Hi Shreedhar,

Let's see if this has an effect on your downloads.


attached mail follows:


Our new primary server went down this morning for the second time in
two weeks. Collab has decided that they would like to replace the
hardware and have tentatively scheduled that for noon PT tomorrow.
Once I find out for sure about the time we can put up downtime
notices. We will divert all traffic to another server but the
forums will be down and there will be no write-access (no blog
posting, comments, etc) for approximately 1 hour. The site may also
be a little slower during that hour. Let me know if you have any

Also, our sys admin noticed that there was one user in China who had
1100 connections open on the download server (which is almost the
maximum) so it was essentially slowing down and/or preventing other
users from downloading files. We banned that user but we were
wondering if we have or should have a policy for this kind of
thing. Should we permanently ban them, temporarily ban them - or
does someone else have a better idea? :)


On Jan 29, 2007, at 11:14 PM, Padma Ramanujam wrote:

> -->
> Hi Sarah,
> I got notification for more such errors today. Was there any outage
> on the OReilly end? Please do let me know!
> Best wishes,
> Padma
> site administration
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:41:30 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> litex
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:35:28 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> verma_amitin
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:30:08 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> zhuchanglin
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:28:31 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> noelgant
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:18:16 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> dnlinn
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:18:36 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> dnlinn
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:14:04 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> euniceee
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:08:36 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> smidd724
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:03:33 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> neojoy
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:01:01 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> chakrapanich
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:01:03 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> juanpablopizarro
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 9:00:54 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> juanpablopizarro
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 8:58:03 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> milel
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.
> From: <>
> Date: January 29, 2007 8:56:42 PM PST
> To: "Padma Ramanujam" <>
> Subject: []HTTP 500 error!
> SourceCast on was unable to invoke:
> for a user named:
> chrislacy
> in the shared authentication system.
> You may wish to investigate the problem, to ensure that the shared
> authentication system is working properly.