Re: error in bootstrap-all from

From: Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 14:52:43 -0800

Lloyd L Chambers wrote:

> I am unable to proceed. is too flaky.
> 1. bootstrap-all must ABORT if it can't download something. It
> currently proceeds, and it's easy to miss the error. Downstream
> problems then become very confusing.
> 2. We should not use flaky servers. This has been a problem on
> multiple occassions in the past.
> Lloyd Chambers
> Attempting to download maven-repository-importer-1.1.jar.
> Error retrieving artifact from [
> Unknown error downloading; status code was: 301
> Cookie rejected: "$Version=0;
> JSESSIONID=D8EAE9AF600B6BBD1CD0C525D1951BCD; $Path=/servlets".
> Illegal path attribute "/servlets". Path of origin: "/nonav/
> repository/"
> *6K downloaded *
> Cookie rejected: "$Version=0;
> JSESSIONID=C9EB7EAB1E7D6C72F354876EBB05451D; $Path=/servlets".
> Illegal path attribute "/servlets". Path of origin: "/nonav/
> repository/
> importer-1.1.jar.md5"

bootstrap-all aborts if the download / checksum is not matching with the
source file.. And you can see the above, that it downloaded the files
Your error seems to be something else, not due to download error (which
is incorrect assumption as download is successful)

> On Jan 11, 2007, at 2:16 PM, Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
>> Dinesh,
>> This problem keeps occurring, stalling development sometimes for
>> HOURS. Can't we get rid of this flaky ibiblio site from the *build*?!
>> Attempting to download jasper-jsr199-9.1.jar.
>> Error retrieving artifact from [
>> jsr199/jars/jasper-jsr199-9.1.jar]: Unknown
>> error downloading; status code was: 301
>> Cookie rejected: "$Version=0;
>> JSESSIONID=BA95958151F093865CF00E8F232AB625; $Path=/servlets".
>> Illegal path attribute "/servlets". Path of origin: "/nonav/
>> repository/jasper-jsr199/jars/jasper-jsr199-9.1.jar"
>> 8K downloaded
>> Cookie rejected: "$Version=0;
>> JSESSIONID=910BBA34908DE9F8CC7C6519D2536140; $Path=/servlets".
>> Illegal path attribute "/servlets". Path of origin: "/nonav/
>> repository/jasper-jsr199/jars/jasper-jsr199-9.1.jar.md5"
>> Attempting to download shoal-0.8_12042006.jar.
>> 1603K downloaded
>> ..........
>> [delete] Deleting: /gf/build/glassfish/bootstrap/ejb-api.log
>> [java] Buildfile: /gf/build/glassfish/ejb-api/build.xml
>> [java]
>> [java] init:
>> [java] [echo] Building component ejb-api
>> [java] [mkdir] Created dir: /gf/build/glassfish/ejb-api/build
>> [java]
>> [java] compile:
>> [java] [javac] Compiling 62 source files to /gf/build/
>> glassfish/ejb-api/build
>> [java] [javac] /gf/build/glassfish/ejb-api/src/share/
>> classes/javax/ejb/ package
>> javax.xml.rpc.handler does not exist
>> [java] [javac] import javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext;
>> [java] [javac] ^
>> [java] [javac] /gf/build/glassfish/ejb-api/src/share/
>> classes/javax/ejb/ cannot find symbol
>> [java] [javac] symbol : class MessageContext
>> [java] [javac] location: interface javax.ejb.SessionContext
>> [java] [javac] MessageContext getMessageContext() throws
>> IllegalStateException;
>> [java] [javac] ^
>> [java] [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a
>> deprecated API.
>> [java] [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for
>> details.
>> [java] [javac] 2 errors
>> [java]
>> [java] BUILD FAILED
>> [java] /gf/build/glassfish/ejb-api/build.xml:68: Compile failed;
>> see the compiler err
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