Hi Tom,
I talked with couple of other developers here and they are able to run
the tests without any issue. From the errors it seems that some how your
workspace has got into an inconsistent state. Can you try running the
tests on a fresh workspace.
Tom Ware wrote:
> Both Guy and I are now seeing much worse issues.
> I am running on Java 5 and getting the attached results.
> - This is a configuration that ran well for me a few weeks ago
> - Guy is getting similar errors on a newly checked-out version
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> -Tom
> Binod wrote:
>> Guy Pelletier wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When running the quicklook tests (bootstrapped and checked-out
>>> yesterday, Monday January 8th), the following test is failing for me.
>>> Testsuite Number 27
>>> Testsuite Id Testing deploymentID
>>> Testsuite Name Testing
>>> Testsuite Description JBI QuickLook Tests
>>> Total Test Cases Run 1
>>> Total Test Cases Failed 1
>>> Total Test Cases Passed 0
>>> Is this an expected failure? It is the only failure I get.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Guy
>> Are you using JDK 6? I remember the JAXB issue causing this test to
>> fail in JDK 6.
>> - Binod.
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