Re: Quicklook test issue

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 16:45:08 -0500

Both Guy and I are now seeing much worse issues.

I am running on Java 5 and getting the attached results.

- This is a configuration that ran well for me a few weeks ago
- Guy is getting similar errors on a newly checked-out version

Does anyone have any ideas?


Binod wrote:

>Guy Pelletier wrote:
>>When running the quicklook tests (bootstrapped and checked-out
>>yesterday, Monday January 8th), the following test is failing for me.
>>Testsuite Number 27
>>Testsuite Id Testing deploymentID
>>Testsuite Name Testing
>>Testsuite Description JBI QuickLook Tests
>>Total Test Cases Run 1
>>Total Test Cases Failed 1
>>Total Test Cases Passed 0
>>Is this an expected failure? It is the only failure I get.
>Are you using JDK 6? I remember the JAXB issue causing this test to fail
>in JDK 6.
>- Binod.
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Tom Ware
Principal Software Engineer
Oracle Canada Inc.
Direct: (613) 783-4598