does QuickLook 'runtest-ee' work?

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2006 20:37:16 -0800

I know there were some problems with the node agent,etc. Is
QuickLook 'runtest-ee' supposed to work? Creation of a node agent is

Lloyd Chambers

     [java] setToolProperty:
     [java] setS1ASclassPath:
     [java] init-common:
     [java] create-nodeagent-common:
     [java] asadmin-common-ignore-fail:
     [java] [echo] asadmin create-node-agent --user
adminuser --passwordfile /gf/build/glassfish/appserv-tests/config/
adminpassword.txt --host localhost --port 4848 --echo=true --
terse=true --savemasterpassword --user adminuser --
passwordfile /gf/build/glassfish/appserv-tests/config/
adminpassword.txt --host localhost --port 4848 --echo=true --
terse=true sqe-agent
     [java] [exec] create-node-agent --interactive=true --
passwordfile /gf/build/glassfish/appserv-tests/config/
adminpassword.txt --terse=true --user adminuser --host localhost --
echo=true --savemasterpassword=true --port 4848 sqe-agent
     [java] [exec] CLI137 Command create-node-agent failed.
     [java] [exec] Result: 1
     [java] setOSConditions:
     [java] setToolWin:
     [java] setToolUnix:
     [java] setToolProperty:
     [java] setS1ASclassPath:
     [java] init-common:
     [java] create-instance-common:
     [java] [exec] create-instance --interactive=true --
passwordfile /gf/build/glassfish/appserv-tests/config/
adminpassword.txt --terse=true --user adminuser --host localhost --
echo=true --systemproperties
YSTEM_CONNECTOR_PORT=38686 --port 4848 --nodeagent sqe-agent sqe-server
     [java] [exec] CLI137 Command create-instance failed.
     [java] [exec] Result: 1
     [java] setOSConditions:
     [java] setToolWin:
     [java] setToolUnix:
     [java] setToolProperty:
     [java] setS1ASclassPath:
     [java] init-common:
     [java] start-nodeagent-unix:
     [java] [exec] Node Agent sqe-agent does not exist in /
Volumes/Build/run/nodeagents. Use a different node agent name or the
--agentdir option.
     [java] [exec] CLI137 Command start-node-agent failed.
     [java] BUILD FAILED
     [java] /Volumes/Build/build/glassfish/appserv-tests/build.xml:
93: The following error occurred while executing this line:
     [java] /Volumes/Build/build/glassfish/appserv-tests/config/ee-
common.xml:392: The following error occurred while executing this line:
     [java] /Volumes/Build/build/glassfish/appserv-tests/config/ee-
common.xml:424: The following error occurred while executing this line:
     [java] /Volumes/Build/build/glassfish/appserv-tests/config/ee-
common.xml:65: exec returned: 1
     [java] Total time: 3 minutes 29 seconds
     [java] [ERROR] Java Result: 1
Total time: 15 minutes 25 seconds