Re: why on demand initialization of admin service?

From: Gustav Trede <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:04:34 +0100

In general, i believe its a good idea to load/init resources when its
actually needed.
If its in terms of performance parameters in question acceptable to
unload used resource when its been idle / not needed is like everything
else, a case by case decision.
As long as on demand availability is not prevented , having a certain
resource not pre loaded is ok.

The basic undisputable concept is that all instanced Objects is not for
free in terms of GC performance etc.
How big the impact is of a having a certain resource pre loaded or not
is another matter.

I am not familiar enough with the design of admin tool/gui and the
components its based on to judge what components this philosophy can or
need be applied to.

best regards
   Gustav Trede