Re: Bugswat for GlassFish v2/9.1 Appserver (12/08/06)

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 22:46:30 -0600

Hi, Dhiru.

Issue 1683 (Java Web Start client launch using EE instance fails trying
to sign jar) is well in hand. I have a solution in my workspace that is
working, has been reviewed, and is going through testing now.

Details (in case you're interested): During the first Java Web Start
launch of an app client, the server signs one or more JARs and deposits
them into a ${instance-root}/java-web-start/${app-name} directory. This
structure is created on the DAS during deployment of the app but in EE
the signed JARs actually reside in the instance directories. The admin
synchronization logic does not copy empty directories from the DAS to
the instances, so these directories were not created at the instances.
The signing logic failed because the target directories did not exist on
the instances. The fix was simple: make sure the directories exist
before trying to write to them to compensate for this behavior of the
sync logic.

I'll probably miss the bugswat meeting itself due to another meeting,
but I'll join if I can.

- Tim

Dhiru Pandey wrote:
> Hello All,
> We will be having a Bugswat meeting tomorrow *Friday 12/08/06*. The
> meeting call-in info is below:
> Toll Free Dial In Number: *(866)545-5224*
> Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number: *(865)521-9328*
> ACCESS CODE: *2764405*
> Time: *11:00 AM to 12:00 PM PST*
> Please show up/email updates/designate someone to represent you if you
> own any of the following bugs.
> Thanks,
> -Dhiru
> _*We will discuss the following P1 & P2 bugs IssueTracker
> <>
> from :*_
> Issue list (43 issues found)
> Fri Dec 8 02:31:49 +0000 2006
> ID
> <;issue_type=DEFECT;component=glassfish;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED;issue_status=NEW;issue_status=STARTED;issue_status=REOPENED;priority=P1;priority=P2;email1=;emailtype1=exact;emailassigned_to1=1;email2=;emailtype2=exact;emailreporter2=1;issueidtype=include;issue_id=;changedin=;votes=;chfieldfrom=;chfieldto=Now;chfieldvalue=;short_desc=;short_desc_type=substring;long_desc=;long_desc_type=substring;issue_file_loc=;issue_file_loc_type=substring;status_whiteboard=;status_whiteboard_type=substring;field0-0-0=reporter;type0-0-0=notequals;value0-0-0=gfbugbridge;namedcmd=All%20JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA%20bugs;newqueryname=;Submit%20query=Submit%20query&order=issues.issue_id>
> Type
> <;issue_type=DEFECT;component=glassfish;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED;issue_status=NEW;issue_status=STARTED;issue_status=REOPENED;priority=P1;priority=P2;email1=;emailtype1=exact;emailassigned_to1=1;email2=;emailtype2=exact;emailreporter2=1;issueidtype=include;issue_id=;changedin=;votes=;chfieldfrom=;chfieldto=Now;chfieldvalue=;short_desc=;short_desc_type=substring;long_desc=;long_desc_type=substring;issue_file_loc=;issue_file_loc_type=substring;status_whiteboard=;status_whiteboard_type=substring;field0-0-0=reporter;type0-0-0=notequals;value0-0-0=gfbugbridge;namedcmd=All%20JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA%20bugs;newqueryname=;Submit%20query=Submit%20query&order=issues.issue_type%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20map_assigned_to.userid%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_status%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_id>
> Pri
> <;issue_type=DEFECT;component=glassfish;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED;issue_status=NEW;issue_status=STARTED;issue_status=REOPENED;priority=P1;priority=P2;email1=;emailtype1=exact;emailassigned_to1=1;email2=;emailtype2=exact;emailreporter2=1;issueidtype=include;issue_id=;changedin=;votes=;chfieldfrom=;chfieldto=Now;chfieldvalue=;short_desc=;short_desc_type=substring;long_desc=;long_desc_type=substring;issue_file_loc=;issue_file_loc_type=substring;status_whiteboard=;status_whiteboard_type=substring;field0-0-0=reporter;type0-0-0=notequals;value0-0-0=gfbugbridge;namedcmd=All%20JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA%20bugs;newqueryname=;Submit%20query=Submit%20query&order=issues.priority%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20map_assigned_to.userid%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_status%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_id>
> Plat
> <;issue_type=DEFECT;component=glassfish;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED;issue_status=NEW;issue_status=STARTED;issue_status=REOPENED;priority=P1;priority=P2;email1=;emailtype1=exact;emailassigned_to1=1;email2=;emailtype2=exact;emailreporter2=1;issueidtype=include;issue_id=;changedin=;votes=;chfieldfrom=;chfieldto=Now;chfieldvalue=;short_desc=;short_desc_type=substring;long_desc=;long_desc_type=substring;issue_file_loc=;issue_file_loc_type=substring;status_whiteboard=;status_whiteboard_type=substring;field0-0-0=reporter;type0-0-0=notequals;value0-0-0=gfbugbridge;namedcmd=All%20JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA%20bugs;newqueryname=;Submit%20query=Submit%20query&>
> Owner
> <;issue_type=DEFECT;component=glassfish;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED;issue_status=NEW;issue_status=STARTED;issue_status=REOPENED;priority=P1;priority=P2;email1=;emailtype1=exact;emailassigned_to1=1;email2=;emailtype2=exact;emailreporter2=1;issueidtype=include;issue_id=;changedin=;votes=;chfieldfrom=;chfieldto=Now;chfieldvalue=;short_desc=;short_desc_type=substring;long_desc=;long_desc_type=substring;issue_file_loc=;issue_file_loc_type=substring;status_whiteboard=;status_whiteboard_type=substring;field0-0-0=reporter;type0-0-0=notequals;value0-0-0=gfbugbridge;namedcmd=All%20JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA%20bugs;newqueryname=;Submit%20query=Submit%20query&order=map_assigned_to.userid%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20map_assigned_to.userid%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_status%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_id>
> State
> <;issue_type=DEFECT;component=glassfish;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED;issue_status=NEW;issue_status=STARTED;issue_status=REOPENED;priority=P1;priority=P2;email1=;emailtype1=exact;emailassigned_to1=1;email2=;emailtype2=exact;emailreporter2=1;issueidtype=include;issue_id=;changedin=;votes=;chfieldfrom=;chfieldto=Now;chfieldvalue=;short_desc=;short_desc_type=substring;long_desc=;long_desc_type=substring;issue_file_loc=;issue_file_loc_type=substring;status_whiteboard=;status_whiteboard_type=substring;field0-0-0=reporter;type0-0-0=notequals;value0-0-0=gfbugbridge;namedcmd=All%20JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA%20bugs;newqueryname=;Submit%20query=Submit%20query&order=issues.issue_status%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20map_assigned_to.userid%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_status%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_id>
> Resolution
> <;issue_type=DEFECT;component=glassfish;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED;issue_status=NEW;issue_status=STARTED;issue_status=REOPENED;priority=P1;priority=P2;email1=;emailtype1=exact;emailassigned_to1=1;email2=;emailtype2=exact;emailreporter2=1;issueidtype=include;issue_id=;changedin=;votes=;chfieldfrom=;chfieldto=Now;chfieldvalue=;short_desc=;short_desc_type=substring;long_desc=;long_desc_type=substring;issue_file_loc=;issue_file_loc_type=substring;status_whiteboard=;status_whiteboard_type=substring;field0-0-0=reporter;type0-0-0=notequals;value0-0-0=gfbugbridge;namedcmd=All%20JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA%20bugs;newqueryname=;Submit%20query=Submit%20query&order=issues.resolution%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20map_assigned_to.userid%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_status%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_id>
> Subcomponent
> <;issue_type=DEFECT;component=glassfish;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED;issue_status=NEW;issue_status=STARTED;issue_status=REOPENED;priority=P1;priority=P2;email1=;emailtype1=exact;emailassigned_to1=1;email2=;emailtype2=exact;emailreporter2=1;issueidtype=include;issue_id=;changedin=;votes=;chfieldfrom=;chfieldto=Now;chfieldvalue=;short_desc=;short_desc_type=substring;long_desc=;long_desc_type=substring;issue_file_loc=;issue_file_loc_type=substring;status_whiteboard=;status_whiteboard_type=substring;field0-0-0=reporter;type0-0-0=notequals;value0-0-0=gfbugbridge;namedcmd=All%20JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA%20bugs;newqueryname=;Submit%20query=Submit%20query&order=issues.subcomponent%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20map_assigned_to.userid%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_status%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_id>
> Summary
> <;issue_type=DEFECT;component=glassfish;issue_status=UNCONFIRMED;issue_status=NEW;issue_status=STARTED;issue_status=REOPENED;priority=P1;priority=P2;email1=;emailtype1=exact;emailassigned_to1=1;email2=;emailtype2=exact;emailreporter2=1;issueidtype=include;issue_id=;changedin=;votes=;chfieldfrom=;chfieldto=Now;chfieldvalue=;short_desc=;short_desc_type=substring;long_desc=;long_desc_type=substring;issue_file_loc=;issue_file_loc_type=substring;status_whiteboard=;status_whiteboard_type=substring;field0-0-0=reporter;type0-0-0=notequals;value0-0-0=gfbugbridge;namedcmd=All%20JDBC%2FJMS%2FJCA%20bugs;newqueryname=;Submit%20query=Submit%20query&order=issues.short_desc%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20map_assigned_to.userid%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_status%2C%20issues.priority%2C%20issues.issue_id>
> 1595 <>
> DEFECT P1 PC km105526 STARTE
> configuratio doctype removed from default-domain.xml.template
> 1456 <>
> DEFECT P1 All kcavanaugh NEW
> other jms connections to multiple AS
> 1538 <>
> DEFECT P1 Macintos mk111283 STARTE
> ejb_containe Glassfish does not comply with EJB3.0 specs:
> NameNotFoundExc
> 1003 <>
> DEFECT P1 All ds122787 NEW
> sqe-test this is a new bug that is being filed so that issue tracker
> 863 <>
> DEFECT P2 Linux amyroh NEW
> installation Incorrectly wrapped text in License Agreement dialog
> 1597 <>
> DEFECT P2 Sun mvatkina NEW
> entity-persi CascadeType.ALL does not work when removing entity
> 1306 <>
> DEFECT P2 All kravtch UNCONF
> configuratio exception in log for missing dirdeploy-ed apps...
> 1351 <>
> DEFECT P2 Linux sivakumart UNCONF
> other Classloader gets libraries from related web apps
> 1541 <>
> DEFECT P2 Sun hr124446 UNCONF
> load_balance loadbalancer plugin doesn't handle https connections to
> apps
> 1683 <>
> DEFECT P2 All tjquinn STARTE
> standalone_c Java Web Start client launch using EE instance fails
> trying
> 1162 <>
> DEFECT P2 Other dochez UNCONF
> web_services Cannot deploy web application with client created in
> jdk1.6
> 1305 <>
> DEFECT P2 Linux dochez UNCONF
> jdbc Derby and GF v2 B21 do not work together
> 1405 <>
> DEFECT P2 All dochez UNCONF
> other appclient fail to execute on windows
> 1583 <>
> DEFECT P2 All dochez UNCONF
> other Serious performance slowdown when using System.out's writing
> 1688 <>
> web_services asadmin list generates a flood of stack traces
> 1626 <>
> DEFECT P2 Macintos km105526 UNCONF
> admin asadmin broken with HEAD build from 20061130
> 1630 <>
> DEFECT P2 All km105526 UNCONF
> amx WARNING logged everytime restartRequired() is called
> 1599 <>
> DEFECT P2 All km105526 STARTE
> jms Issues with embedded sun-resources.xml in EAR file
> 1615 <>
> DEFECT P2 PC km105526 STARTE
> command_line asadmin deploy regression
> 1192 <>
> DEFECT P2 Sun carlavmott NEW
> webpages Typo on main page
> 1657 <>
> DEFECT P2 All ksak NEW
> web_services WebService returns successfully even when the
> underlying tx
> 1368 <>
> DEFECT P2 All kcavanaugh UNCONF
> orb NO_IMPLEMENT error with dynamic Proxies
> 1625 <>
> DEFECT P2 All kcavanaugh UNCONF
> orb Glassfish client does not run in NetBeans platform
> 1568 <>
> DEFECT P2 All kcavanaugh NEW
> security Standalone client using UserTX and ProgrammaticLogin is not
> 895 <>
> DEFECT P2 PC janey NEW
> command_line i18n -- create-domain and multibyte characters
> 1401 <>
> DEFECT P2 All vijaysr UNCONF
> web_services ServletWSSecurityPipe initiating response for one-way
> reque
> 751 <>
> DEFECT P2 Linux vijaysr REOPEN
> web_services i18n - web service with mbyte name cannot be
> tested/accessed
> 1358 <>
> DEFECT P2 Linux binod NEW
> other Can not resolve EJBs in ServletContextListener
> 1428 <>
> DEFECT P2 All binod NEW
> other AsyncStartup breaks inputstream.ready()
> 542 <>
> DEFECT P2 All binod REOPEN
> other WAR from an EAR as default webapp no more working after stop
> 1690 <>
> DEFECT P2 All kchung UNCONF
> web_containe In-process JSP compilation always recompiles JSPs
> 1196 <>
> DEFECT P2 PC ds122787 STARTE
> sqe-test summary of a test issue (1)
> 1686 <>
> DEFECT P2 Sun llc NEW
> monitoring NPE during servlet monitoring unregistration if containing w
> 908 <>
> DEFECT P2 PC va146370 NEW
> web_services Inconsistency between JavaEE SE and normal webservice
> runtim
> 1081 <>
> DEFECT P2 All tware UNCONF
> entity-persi Using entity class with @ManyToOne(fetch =
> FetchType.LAZY) a
> 1522 <>
> DEFECT P2 All jr158900 STARTE
> jdbc JDBC 4.0 support is broken
> 600 <>
> DEFECT P2 All chris_delahunt NEW
> entity-persi Java2DB does case sensitive comparison of column names
> 1620 <>
> DEFECT P2 Linux sheetalv NEW
> security GSSUtils.getDER is called too often
> 1373 <>
> DEFECT P2 PC kmhaswad NEW
> web_containe web container caches pages so can't make updates
> 923 <>
> DEFECT P2 All sv96363 STARTE
> web_services Monitor stops capturing messages
> 1480 <>
> DEFECT P2 All rampsarathy NEW
> jms Can not lookup a JMS topic using sub-context
> 1290 <>
> DEFECT P2 Linux bhakti UNCONF
> web_services hello-jaxws sample client doesn't work on JDK6
> 1582 <>
> DEFECT P2 All bhakti NEW
> web_services Runtime descriptor
> "/WEB-I
> _*We will also discuss P1 & P2 bugs from Bugster
> <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsf?product=sunone_application_server&hook4Opt=2&area=Defect&CRrelease=null%2C9*&hook4=as91-na%2Cas91-fixed&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&hook2=as9-na&subcategory=bugbridge_test,docs&priority=1,2&sbOpt=2&notSubcategory=on&>:
> *
> _
> # RM <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?product=sunone_application_server&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&sbOpt=2&*&rsort=responsible_manager> RE <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?product=sunone_application_server&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&sbOpt=2&*&rsort=responsible_engineer> CAT/SUBCAT <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?product=sunone_application_server&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&sbOpt=2&*&rsort=cat_subcat> P <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?product=sunone_application_server&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&sbOpt=2&*&rsort=priority> ID <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?product=sunone_application_server&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&sbOpt=2&*&rsort=cr_number> STA <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?product=sunone_application_server&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&sbOpt=2&*&rsort=status> AGE <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?product=sunone_application_server&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&sbOpt=2&*&rsort=age> SYNOPSIS <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?product=sunone_application_server&title=Open+Bugs+with+Target+Release+9*%2C+null&sbOpt=2&*&rsort=synopsis>
> 1 sridatta.viswan <> kedar.mhaswade <> sunone_app/secur 1 6393491 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6393491> fun 39W Security vulnerability in the server with user applications - can execute any file on the system
> 2 srikanth.ananda <> sanjeeb.sahoo <> sunone_app/verif 2 6304147 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6304147> ffa 16M In reports for some tests the Test Description fields were empty.
> 3 sridatta.viswan <> shing-wai.chan <> sunone_app/secur 2 6309390 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6309390> acc 16M By default choosing cert-nickname from keystore with multiple entries is not correct
> 4 sridatta.viswan <> mahesh.kannan <> sunone_app/other 2 6313023 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6313023> dis 15M Tests hang with OutOfMemory error
> 5 eliot.morrison <> larry.white <> sunone_app/failo 2 6320850 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6320850> acc 15M Stress causing non-idempotent request that cannot be retried
> 6 srikanth.ananda <> prasad.subraman <> sunone_app/packa 2 6323632 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6323632> ckn 15M RNinstall b17 failed with "Corrupted pack file: magic/ver = CAFED00D/150.7 should be CAFED00D/1
> 7 sridatta.viswan <> dinesh.patil <> sunone_app/admin 2 6324223 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6324223> acc 14M Improve the log message when node agent fails to synchronize with DAS
> 8 eliot.morrison <> sheetal.vartak <> sunone_app/rmi_i 2 6328358 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6328358> acc 14M <BLOCKING>Loadbalancing on IIOP Over SSL Not working
> 9 srikanth.ananda <> vishwas.bhari <> sunone_app/load_ 2 6329801 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6329801> fav 14M [REGRESSION] User Defined LB not working
> 10 eliot.morrison <> sheetal.vartak <> sunone_app/rmi_i 2 6331551 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6331551> acc 14M Loadbalancing on IIOP Over SSL_MUTUALAUTH tests failed
> 11 abhijit.kumar <> shreedhar.ganap <> sunone_app/group 2 6453787 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6453787> inc 19W Get RuntimeException for "Clustered Server Instances" page when create second cluster.
> 12 sridatta.viswan <> dinesh.patil <> sunone_app/loggi 2 6359606 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6359606-2140034>-M acc 21W AS log-service does not support hierarchical java.util.logging Logger names.
> 13 raju.macharla <> gajanan.kulkarn <> sunone_app/web_c 2 6444972 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6444972> acc 23W SJSAS 8.1UR2: Configuring Default-Web-Module throws RuntimeException after restart
> 14 eliot.morrison <> marina.vatkina <> sunone_app/entit 2 6442200 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6442200> fun 24W javadoc update needed reflect change to UniqueConstraint
> 15 eliot.morrison <> mahesh.kannan <> sunone_app/ejb_c 2 6441665 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6441665> acc 24W enable passivation of SFSBs with extended persistence contexts
> 16 geoffrey.halliw <> - sunone_app/test_ 2 6435181 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6435181> dis 26W REGRESSION:Two Appserver-compatibility tests were failied with jdk1.5.0_08-b01
> 17 satya.dodda <> - sunone_app/test_ 2 6430096 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6430096> dis 28W [BugBridge]Test submission to see lifecycle of BugTraq Change Request
> 18 narayanan.murth <> jagadish.ramu <> sunone_app/jdbc 2 6429496 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6429496> acc 28W Can't stop appserver with AssociateWithThread property
> 19 srikanth.ananda <> bhavanishankara <> sunone_app/jbi 2 6399341 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6399341> ckn 38W WSDL Unwrapping fails if SOAP Binding style is rpc for jaxrpc application
> 20 janet.breuer <> vbkumar.jayanti <> sunone_app/secur 2 6474956 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6474956> fav 10W Regression: JAXRPC tests fail
> 21 sridatta.viswan <> vijay.ramachand <> sunone_app/web_s 2 6474914 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6474914> inc 10W HandlerTest CTS webservices regression (from appclient container)
> 22 sridatta.viswan <> shing-wai.chan <> sunone_app/secur 2 6474907 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6474907> ckn 10W WSEjbWebServiceProviderTest CTS regression (Unable to find invocation method)
> 23 sridatta.viswan <> vijay.ramachand <> sunone_app/web_s 2 6474899 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6474899> inc 10W Specialcases webservices provider CTS regressions (InvocationTargetException)
> 24 sridatta.viswan <> vijay.ramachand <> sunone_app/web_s 2 6474877 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6474877> inc 10W MTOM CTS webservices regressions (target endpoint address incorrect on second port)
> 25 raju.macharla <> gajanan.kulkarn <> sunone_app/jms 2 6474592 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6474592> ckn 10W Even though JMS message limit is unlimited, MQ gives Message exceeds the single message size limit
> 26 sridatta.viswan <> vijay.ramachand <> sunone_app/web_s 2 6474348 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6474348> acc 10W Regression: WSS tests failed
> 27 jim.driscoll <> amelia.roh <> sunone_app/web_c 2 6474298 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6474298> acc 10W Jar files still locked after undeployment
> 28 anil.gaur <> - sunone_app/insta 2 6474142 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6474142> dis 10W 9.1 EE build 18- Installer on choosing webserver 7 for lbplugin throws NPE after installation
> 29 sridatta.viswan <> shing-wai.chan <> sunone_app/secur 2 6492094 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6492094> dis 4W ECC configuration is not working
> 30 eliot.morrison <> - sunone_app/ejb_c 2 6489016 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6489016> dis 5W Wrong exception thrown when calling the business method of another bean with the clients tx context
> 31 eliot.morrison <> mahesh.kannan <> sunone_app/ejb_c 2 6486752 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6486752> acc 6W ejbCreate doesn't get called in an MDB
> 32 abhijit.kumar <> kedar.mhaswade <> sunone_app/admin 2 6486428 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6486428> inc 6W unable to install jbi components due to appserver security
> 33 abhijit.kumar <> prashanth.abbag <> sunone_app/admin 2 6486282 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6486282> acc 6W LB:"asadmin list domain.load-balancers*": does not display elements in the list
> 34 abhijit.kumar <> pankaj.jairath <> sunone_app/admin 2 6485900 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6485900> dis 6W LB:monitor does not work
> 35 eliot.morrison <> ken.cavanaugh <> sunone_app/orb 2 6484935 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6484935> ckn 6W missing DynamicAccessPermission in
> 36 srikanth.ananda <> satish.kumar <> sunone_app/upgra 2 6481594 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6481594> acc 8W [BLOCKING] AS8.1UR2EE -> AS9.1EE SS Upgrade (GUI): Unable to start up domain1 after upgraded
> 37 sridatta.viswan <> shing-wai.chan <> sunone_app/secur 2 6480455 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6480455> dis 8W The JSR 196 client handler gets invoked twice when we have a custom handler in JAX-WS projects
> 38 srikanth.ananda <> ramesh.parthasa <> sunone_app/jms 2 6499957 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6499957> dis 6D MDB can't produce MQ messages when REMOTE MQ Broker (in a HA Cluster) goes down
> 39 srikanth.ananda <> ramesh.parthasa <> sunone_app/jms 2 6499394 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6499394> dis 7D MQ Broker won't startup after AS 9.1 install [on Windows]
> 40 <> - sunone_app/compa 2 6499335 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6499335> dis 7D Can not add AS 9.1 b26 to NB 5.5 at runtime. AS 9.1 b25 was added to NB at runtime successfully.
> 41 sridatta.viswan <> - sunone_app/admin 2 6499302 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6499302> acc 7D AS 9.1 PE b25/26. Executed asadmin version -v, got: ... Enterprise Edition 9.1
> 42 nazrul.islam <> nitya.doraisamy <> sunone_app/admin 2 6498837 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6498837> acc 8D jsf: Cannot create any monitor type management rule
> 43 nazrul.islam <> chock.chidambar <> sunone_app/admin 2 6498763 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6498763> acc 8D jsf: Can not redeploy apps/modules;get 404 stastus for reploy link
> 44 nazrul.islam <> nitya.doraisamy <> sunone_app/admin 2 6498736 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6498736> dis 8D jsf: edit ORB IIOP listener miss SSL part
> 45 nazrul.islam <> chock.chidambar <> sunone_app/admin 2 6498713 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6498713> acc 8D jsf: online help throws exception
> 46 eliot.morrison <> - sunone_app/ejb_c 2 6498152 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6498152> dis 9D RichAccess:lots of java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException:CORBA OBJECT_NOT_EXIST thrown during longivity run
> 47 abhijit.kumar <> - sunone_app/admin 2 6502182 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6502182> dis 0 instance hang with an NPE when an 8-node cluster starts up intermitently.
> 48 nazrul.islam <> - sunone_app/admin 2 6502095 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6502095> dis 0 jsf: cannot create security file type realm -- NP exception thrown
> 49 eliot.morrison <> sheetal.vartak <> sunone_app/orb 2 6496191 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6496191-2144651>-M dis 0 AS 8.1 EE need to be able to interop(in naming lookup)with other vendor AS and different jdk version
> 50 srikanth.ananda <> vikas.awasthi <> sunone_app/jbi 2 6502045 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6502045> dis 0 Subject incorrectly set in MessageExchange in place of Normalized Message
> 51 nazrul.islam <> - sunone_app/admin 2 6501747 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6501747> dis 0 Classcast Exception in createManagementRuleConfig for the optional properties map
> 52 srikanth.ananda <> - sunone_app/jms 2 6501416 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6501416> dis 1D Message-driven bean supplied by Generic JMS RA stops consuming messages when EJB pool limit reached
> 53 srikanth.ananda <> vikas.awasthi <> sunone_app/jbi 2 6501264 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6501264> dis 1D JavaEE application deployment as a dummy service unit is broken.
> 54 sridatta.viswan <> - sunone_app/other 2 6501178 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6501178> dis 1D SDK 5.0_02: Exception in thread "AMTimer";java.lang.NullPointerException at com.sun.identi
> 55 abhijit.kumar <> jane.young <> sunone_app/comma 2 6501080 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6501080> dis 2D command shell becomes unusable with asadmin monitor command
> 56 gowri.sivaprasa <> - sunone_app/load_ 2 6500981 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6500981> acc 2D app server load balancer plugin should not hardcode libraries on top of web server 7 in jes5
> 57 narayanan.murth <> jagadish.ramu <> sunone_app/jdbc 2 6500846 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6500846> fip 2D samples/jdbc fails on sjsas 9.1(b26) with AbstractMethodErrors using jdk6
> 58 abhijit.kumar <> lloyd.chambers <> sunone_app/amx 2 6500649 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6500649> dis 2D createProviderConfig & removeProviderConfig api's not working in clustered glassfish
> 59 abhijit.kumar <> - sunone_app/hadb_ 2 6500542 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6500542> dis 3D high availability feature of clusterjsp sample doesn't work second time onwards
> 60 srikanth.ananda <> shalini.muthukr <> sunone_app/upgra 2 6500226 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6500226> fip 3D backed up domain directory is not deleted before an inplace upgrade starts
> 61 srikanth.ananda <> ramesh.parthasa <> sunone_app/jms 2 6500070 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6500070> dis 4D stop-node-agent doesn't stop MQ brokers in a HA cluster
> 62 <> - sunone_app/compa 2 6498062 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6498062> dis 9D default domain hidden from NB
> 63 abhijit.kumar <> prashanth.abbag <> sunone_app/comma 2 6497750 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6497750> fav 10D LB:create-http-lb command doesn't work
> 64 satya.dodda <> - sunone_app/test_ 2 6497598 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6497598> dis 10D appserver-sqe test suite doesnt support windows-jdk-amd64
> 65 srikanth.ananda <> pankaj.jairath <> sunone_app/load_ 2 6497402 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6497402> ckn 10D Jes5-B14-22Nigh:Portal not deployed with Allinone WS container in GUI mode
> 66 srikanth.ananda <> prasad.subraman <> sunone_app/packa 2 6495864 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6495864> fip 17D Java DMK jars should be available in PE installer
> 67 raju.macharla <> hongfeng.shen <> sunone_app/load_ 2 6494180 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6494180> acc 3W Loadbalancer plugin not handling chunked data
> 68 srikanth.ananda <> ramesh.parthasa <> sunone_app/jms 2 6493665 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6493665> dis 3W start-node-agent return succesfully eventhough brokers failed to start in HA cluster mode.
> 69 anil.gaur <> sathyan.catari <> sunone_app/insta 2 6493556 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6493556> acc 3W appserver 9 installation fail with jdk amd64
> 70 srikanth.ananda <> pankaj.jairath <> sunone_app/load_ 2 6479089 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6479089> ckn 8W AS8.2EE :Redirect LB test failure with authPassthrough enabled
> 71 sridatta.viswan <> ronald.monzillo <> sunone_app/secur 2 6478989 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6478989> dis 9W [WAIVED] JSR client provider (validateResponse) is getting invoked after the application validates
> 72 srikanth.ananda <> bhavanishankara <> sunone_app/jbi 2 6478384 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6478384> ckn 9W There is a way to hang a BPEL process
> 73 sridatta.viswan <> vijay.ramachand <> sunone_app/web_s 2 6477353 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6477353> inc 9W am-javaee build7: JDK 1.5 _09 error / Samples execution throws
> 74 abhijit.kumar <> nandini.ektare <> sunone_app/admin 2 6476398 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6476398> acc 10W appserver 9.1 EE DAS won't start up with build 19
> 75 srikanth.ananda <> satish.kumar <> sunone_app/upgra 2 6455396 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6455396-2142419>-M fav 10W Node-agent and instances fail to startup after an 8.1EE->9.1EE SBS upgrade.
> 76 srikanth.ananda <> satish.kumar <> sunone_app/upgra 2 6424968 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6424968-2142414>-M fav 10W [RN Beta]BLOCKING:8.1EE to 9.1EE side-by-side upgrade fail to carry over configuration from 8.1 EE
> 77 srikanth.ananda <> shalini.muthukr <> sunone_app/upgra 2 6384457 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6384457-2142394>-M fav 10W [RN Beta] nonsense standalone instances created and all old configs and applications be removed
> 78 anil.gaur <> snjezana.sevo-z <> sunone_app/insta 2 6472937 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6472937> dis 11W AS8.2EE "Apache 2.0.x versions only supported" message should appear on installer screen
> 79 anil.gaur <> snjezana.sevo-z <> sunone_app/load_ 2 6466309 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6466309> acc 14W LB plug-in does not come up on Web Server 7.0
> 80 anil.gaur <> sathyan.catari <> sunone_app/insta 2 6465849 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6465849> acc 14W LB:Installer failed to export, import and activate cerificate for AppServers & Web Server
> 81 anil.gaur <> satish.viswanat <> sunone_app/web_s 2 6462824 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6462824> acc 15W WSM:Monitoring statistic data fails to capture after redeploy
> 82 abhijit.kumar <> rajeshwar.patil <> sunone_app/monit 2 6344553 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6344553-2141215>-M dis 15W node agent discovery doesn't happen in Linux platform
> 83 sridatta.viswan <> jennifer.chou <> sunone_app/web_s 2 6462806 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6462806> dis 15W WSM:Monitoring Message corrupted after redeploy
> 84 sridatta.viswan <> <> sunone_app/other 2 6455596 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6455596> dis 18W SJSAS 9.1 b10/solx86 core dumps when SPECjAppServer is deployed
> 85 srikanth.ananda <> ramesh.parthasa <> sunone_app/jms 2 6455107 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6455107> dis 18W deloyment of a mdb application fails with problem in queue
> 86 eliot.morrison <> mahesh.kannan <> sunone_app/stres 2 6332428 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6332428> dis 14M SPECj2004: outofmemory exception in cluster instances
> 87 srikanth.ananda <> ramesh.parthasa <> sunone_app/jms 2 6338145 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6338145> ckn 13M Appserver dosent start for package based installation
> 88 anil.gaur <> snjezana.sevo-z <> sunone_app/insta 2 6338659 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6338659>-M ckn 13M Implement XDesign recommendations for installer GUI
> 89 anil.gaur <> snjezana.sevo-z <> sunone_app/insta 2 6340340 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6340340> ckn 13M Inplace upgrade from AS 8.1 EE UR2 Build 11 to AS 9.0 EE build 23 by the installer is not working.
> 90 anil.gaur <> snjezana.sevo-z <> sunone_app/insta 2 6340486 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6340486> ckn 13M During filebase installer inplace upgrade from 8.1PE to 9.0EE it need status panel during bkup data.
> 91 sridatta.viswan <> sivakumar.thyag <> sunone_app/other 2 6382059 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6382059> dis 43W SunJBIWebConsole fails to load in App Server 9.0
> 92 sridatta.viswan <> jerome.dochez <> sunone_app/other 2 6389030 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6389030> dis 41W TRACKING JDK BUG : jvm abort during cluster run on solaris x86
> *Generated on:* Thu Dec 07 18:32:46 PST 2006
> _*And discuss P1 and P2 bugs that need to be forward ported from 8.2
> <http://monaco.sfbay/url/Ql0>:*_
> 6344553 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6344553> 1 2
> rajeshwar.patil
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=rajeshwar.patil>
> abhijit.kumar
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=abhijit.kumar>
> monitoring 8.2ee FDe node agent discovery doesn't happen in Linux
> platform
> 6189830 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6189830> 2 1
> vishwas.bhari
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=vishwas.bhari>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> packaging 8.2ee FDe JES 3 b7 & local build need to replace AS_HADB
> token (HADB_ROOT_DIR) correctly during installation.
> 6361947 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6361947> 2 1
> sivakumar.thyagarajan
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=sivakumar.thyagarajan>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> jms 8.2pe FDe/vfy Regression : transaction/bmt/txlocal/mdbsession
> test fails with MQ error
> 6384457 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6384457> 2 1
> prasad.subramanian
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=prasad.subramanian>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> upgrade_tool 8.2ee FDe/vfy [RN Beta] nonsense standalone instances
> created and all old configs and applications be removed
> 6396102 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6396102> 2 1 piali.nag
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=piali.nag>

> raju.macharla
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=raju.macharla>
> web_container_se 8.2ee FDe/vfy [RN for JES Beta]JES5b04:AS cannot
> start domain under RH4.0
> 6466681 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6466681> 2 1
> sathyan.catari
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=sathyan.catari>
> anil.gaur
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=anil.gaur>
> installation 8.2ee Clo/vfd <BLOCKING>Not able to create domain
> after upgrade JES2 to JES5
> 6476954 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6476954> 2 1
> prasad.subramanian
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=prasad.subramanian>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> packaging 8.2ee FDe/vfy Application Server has a private copy of NSS
> 6484242 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6484242> 2 1
> rajeshwar.patil
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=rajeshwar.patil>
> abhijit.kumar
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=abhijit.kumar>
> monitoring 8.2ee FDe Win.JES5 b12. AS was running,configured with
> MF, but mfwkadm list-modules gave: No modules detected
> 6489325 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6489325> 2 1 varun.singh
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=varun.singh>
> sandhya.m
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=sandhya.m>
> windows 8.2ee FDe/vfy Windows/AS : Files in getting
> copied outside toplevel folder.
> 6498468 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6498468> 2 1 varun.singh
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=varun.singh>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> hp-ux 8.2ee FDe/vfy JES5 Appserver is not starting and getting hanged
> 6358422 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6358422> 2 2
> oleg.kostukovsky
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=oleg.kostukovsky>
> vasundhara.shastry
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=vasundhara.shastry>
> load_balancer 8.2ee FDe Appserver 7.1/8.1 EE: web server LB proxy
> plug-in should properly support keep-alive connections
> 6367406 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6367406> 2 2
> bustamam.harun
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=bustamam.harun>
> jean-francois.martel
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=jean-francois.martel>
> admin_gui 8.2ee Clo/vfd Couldn't display l10n page for admin gui
> 6394181 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6394181> 2 2
> sathyan.catari
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=sathyan.catari>
> anil.gaur
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=anil.gaur>
> installation 8.2ee FDe/vfy WS6 and WS7 LB configuration changes in
> magnus.conf and obj.conf gets overwritten
> 6424968 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6424968> 2 2
> prasad.subramanian
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=prasad.subramanian>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> upgrade_tool 8.2ee FDe/vfy [RN Beta]BLOCKING:8.1EE to 9.1EE
> side-by-side upgrade fail to carry over configuration from 8.1 EE
> 6432312 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6432312> 2 2 varun.singh
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=varun.singh>
> prabu.thiagaraj
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=prabu.thiagaraj>
> hp-ux 8.2ee Clo/vfd Webserver not starting after installing load
> balancer plugin
> 6438996 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6438996> 2 2 varun.singh
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=varun.singh>
> prabu.thiagaraj
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=prabu.thiagaraj>
> hp-ux 8.2ee Clo/vfd Wrong path set for Ant in asenv.conf of
> Application server in JES5
> 6440796 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6440796> 2 2 varun.singh
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=varun.singh>
> sandhya.m
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=sandhya.m>
> windows 8.2ee Clo/vfd derbyRoot is not set at of
> JES5 b08 Appserver
> 6450813 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6450813> 2 2
> sathyan.catari
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=sathyan.catari>
> anil.gaur
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=anil.gaur>
> other 8.2ee FDe/vfy Ant path is not changed when AS is upgraded.
> 6455384 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6455384> 2 2
> michael.munn
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=michael.munn> sridatta.viswanath
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=sridatta.viswanath>
> other 8.2ee FDe JNDI lookups from ServletContextListener failing
> 6467433 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6467433> 2 2
> rajeshwar.patil
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=rajeshwar.patil>
> abhijit.kumar
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=abhijit.kumar>
> monitoring 8.2ee FDe dynamically changing DAS monitoring levels
> messes up remote instances
> 6468099 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6468099> 2 2 larry.white
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=larry.white>
> eliot.morrison
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=eliot.morrison>
> failover 8.2ee FDe "Blocking": AS8.2EE: HA SSO tests failure with
> build16
> 6476395 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6476395> 2 2
> shalini.muthukrishnan
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=shalini.muthukrishnan>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> upgrade_tool 8.2ee FDe asupgrade failed to maintain module name
> and virtual server ID during AS7 to AS8 upgrade
> 6477360 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6477360> 2 2
> chock.chidambaram
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=chock.chidambaram>
> abhijit.kumar
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=abhijit.kumar>
> admin_gui 8.2ee FDe/vfy Some symlinks are broken after installation
> 6481987 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6481987> 2 2
> dinesh.patil
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=dinesh.patil> sridatta.viswanath
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=sridatta.viswanath>
> security 8.2ee FDe Regression: WSS tests failed on cluster
> 6491121 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6491121> 2 2
> rajeshwar.patil
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=rajeshwar.patil>
> abhijit.kumar
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=abhijit.kumar>
> monitoring 8.2ee FDe JES5 b12a. Windows. Was executed mfwkadm
> list-modules, AS instance was not presented at the output.
> 6497244 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6497244> 2 2
> prasad.subramanian
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=prasad.subramanian>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> upgrade_tool 8.2ee FDe/vfy [DOC]JES5-b13a:AS:upgrading from
> JES2:asupgrade failed (freezes), --passwordfile "null"
> 6338659 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6338659> 2 3
> snjezana.sevo-zenzerovic
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=snjezana.sevo-zenzerovic>
> anil.gaur
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=anil.gaur>
> installation 8.2ee FDe/vfy Implement XDesign recommendations for
> installer GUI
> 6344333 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6344333> 2 3
> vishwas.bhari
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=vishwas.bhari>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> packaging 8.2pe FDe packaging changes for 8.2 PE QuickStart
> 6356882 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6356882> 2 3
> qingqing.ouyang
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=qingqing.ouyang>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> jca 8.2pe FDe BLOCKING PE:8.2:Multiple exceptions while running
> SPECjAppServer2004 under stress on windows 2003
> 6362881 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6362881> 2 3
> snjezana.sevo-zenzerovic
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=snjezana.sevo-zenzerovic>
> anil.gaur
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=anil.gaur>
> installation 8.2ee FDe/vfd <BLOCKING - EE> Installer doesn't give
> upgrade option when upgrade 8.1ur2 to 8.2ee
> 6370327 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6370327> 2 3
> vishwas.bhari
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=vishwas.bhari>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> packaging 8.2ee Clo/vfd JES5 b4 nightly 01.09. AS postInstall
> script did not work properly and ReadMe should be updated.
> 6453274 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6453274> 2 3
> prasad.subramanian
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=prasad.subramanian>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> packaging 8.2ee FDe/vfd AS b14.
> mfwk.agent.appserv.delegate.GeneralStatusHandler class is missing in
> appserver-se.jar.
> 6455396 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6455396> 2 3
> shalini.muthukrishnan
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=shalini.muthukrishnan>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> upgrade_tool 8.2ee FDe Node-agent and instances fail to startup
> after an 8.1EE->9.1EE SBS upgrade.
> 6478047 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6478047> 2 3 sonu.mangla
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=sonu.mangla>
> vasanth.vaidyanathan
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=vasanth.vaidyanathan>
> docs-windows 8.2ee FDe JES5 installer for minimal AS 8.x load
> balancer does not installing properly for later use
> 6479574 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6479574> 2 3
> prasad.subramanian
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=prasad.subramanian>
> narayanan.murthy
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=narayanan.murthy>
> load_balancer 8.2ee FDe/vfy Standalone installer for minimal AS
> 8.x load balancer does not installing properly for later use
> 6487367 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6487367> 2 3
> shalini.muthukrishnan
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=shalini.muthukrishnan>
> srikanth.anandal
> <http://namefinder/NameFinder?view=sunEmployees&nfquery=srikanth.anandal>
> upgrade_tool 8.2ee FDe/vfd 71EE->82EE:Context Root changed to null
> after an upgrade
> 36 rows selected.