Re: encoding in JSP Documents - JDK6 I18N Issue??

From: Krishnamohan Meduri <Krishna.Meduri_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:04:17 -0800


Jan Luehe wrote On 11/06/06 18:26,:
> Krishna,
> Krishnamohan Meduri wrote On 11/06/06 17:23,:
>>Glassfish with JDK6 produces undesired results (with some characters
>>messed up) for the attached JSP Document.
>>The same produces the desired results with JDK5.
>>Is this any known issue in JDK6? If so, Could somebody pls give me the
> No details, but here's a related issue:
> ("getCharacterEncoding() did not return the default-charset on
> windows2003(JDK 6, AS90PE)")
> that was filed against GlassFish.
> I've done some initial investigation, and it looks like creating a
> String, using the String constructor that takes a charsetName, throws
> an UnsupportedEncodingException when specifying "Shift_JIS" as the
> encoding on Windows (we use the String constructor that takes a
> charsetName argument as a test to see if the encoding passed to
> ServletRequest.setCharacterEncoding() is valid and supported by the
> runtime). I've asked the submitter to confirm.
> Do you see any UnsupportedEncodingException in your server log? Also,
> do you see this problem on Windows only?

This appears to be a different problem.
I *don't* see any exception. I can see the problem on Glassfish on
*Solaris* also.
To reproduce, all you need to do is have this JSP document in a web app
and send a request to it. While switching JDK version, just make sure
that you remove generated classes from generated folder.
On glassfish, I got the output attached ( and
I took out just oneline (1st line from 2nd para) from both the files and
ran xxd. I attached the output. As you can see, a few characters are
getting messed up.

I wanted to know if it is any known JDK6 issue before I start debugging.

> Jan
>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="big5"?>
>> @author James Cai, for I18N feature in JSP 2.0 in XML
>> Configuration as the following:
>> Syntax pageEncoding contentType XML-prolog
>> XML big5 gb2312 -
>><jsp:root xmlns:jsp=""
>>< contentType="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
>><FONT SIZE='+3'>
>><H1>Test Name: XML8-gb </H1>
>>The following is Chinese character with gb2312 charset:
>>京报网讯(记者 丁肇文)从今天开始,美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院与清华大学经管学院、复旦大学管理学院、香港岭南大学
>> 为合作培养国际MBA,在香港召开顾问委员会会议。记者昨天从清华大学获悉,作为各自国家最顶尖的商学院之一的清华大学
>> 经管学院与麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院,在圆满完成了第一个五年周期的合作之后,已经决定从今年起续签五年的合作项目,双方
>> 从1500名申请者中选拔出的新一批120名合作培养的国际MBA学员,即将于今年9月进清华大学。
>> 清华大学经管学院院长赵纯均昨天在接受记者采访时表示,清华自1996年与麻省理工合作以来,至今已培养了三期共100余名国
>> 际MBA学员,这些毕业学员一般都去了国内外的跨国企业和组织,一直供不应求,有的在短短两三年内,就已经坐到了CEO
>> 的位置;在合作期间,清华先后派出20余名教师,在斯隆经济管理学院学习。赵纯均院长还透露,在过去的合作中,清华方面的主
>> 要精力集中在了必修课的建设方面,在第二个五年的合作中,放在选修课方面的精力会多一些。同时,这种类似于技术转让的模
>> 式,在经历了五年的合作后已经实现了将国外成熟的MBA培养模式移植到国内的目标。
>> 昨天专程到北京参加清华2001届国际MBA毕业典礼的斯隆管理学院前任院长、著名国际经济学家斯若教授也认为双方前五年
>> 的合作非常成功,他曾经通过视频会议的方式“面对面”地为清华国际MBA学员授过课,他认为中国的国际MBA项目以及培
>> 养出的学员都不比美国差,惟一的缺点在于学生的成分缺乏国际性,在美国大约40%的学员来自于其他不同的国家,而在中国几乎
>> 是清一色的国内学员。
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Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: JSP/2.1
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=fd795e713596e06cc9d6dcca9f0e; Path=/i18n
Content-Type: text/html;charset=gb2312
Content-Length: 1683
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 00:35:46 GMT
Server: Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 9.1
Connection: close



<FONT SIZE='+3'>



<H1>Test Name: XML8-gb </H1>



The following is Chinese character with gb2312 charset:





Connection to localhost closed by foreign host.

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: JSP/2.1
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=ff5f3f1b612f80532e8eadfa11e8; Path=/i18n
Content-Type: text/html;charset=gb2312
Content-Length: 1678
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 01:08:57 GMT
Server: Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 9.1
Connection: close



<FONT SIZE='+3'>



<H1>Test Name: XML8-gb </H1>



The following is Chinese character with gb2312 charset:





Connection to localhost closed by foreign host.

0000000: a7ee c3b2 e4ce e3a6 3f3f e3a6 dbef dbef ........??......
0000010: d0ef 3fd4 f8ec a83f 3f3f 3f3f c4ba ebb4 ..?....?????....
0000020: c1a3 3f3f cdb0 3fa8 dba7 eec3 b23f 3139 ..??..?......?19
0000030: 3936 3f3f 3f3f 3f3f b4c5 3f3f b6ae a8db 96??????..??....
0000040: 3fcc a43f 3f3f 3f3f 3fa4 d63f 3130 303f ?..??????..?100?
0000050: c3d2 b1d7 0a .....

0000000: a7ee c3b2 e4ce e3a6 3f3f e3a6 dbef dbef ........??......
0000010: d0ef 3fd4 f8ec a83f 3f3f 3f3f c4ba ebb4 ..?....?????....
0000020: c1a3 3f3f cdb0 3fa8 dba7 eec3 b23f 3139 ..??..?......?19
0000030: 3936 3f3f 3f3f 3f3f b4c5 3f3f b6ae a8db 96??????..??....
0000040: 3fcc a43f 3f3f 3f3f a4d6 3f31 3030 3fc3 ?..?????..?100?.
0000050: d2b1 d70a ....