Re: Detecting what version of the server is installed

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 21:37:02 -0800

Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
> I don't know, Vince. Is a running server an option?

Not really... I want to find out what version of the software is
installed, since the server doesn't need to be running before it is
registered with the IDE. Part of the reason is the IDE needs to use
jars from the server to communicate with it... Old jars usually cannot
communicate with old servers...
> On Nov 24, 2006, at 10:09 AM, vince kraemer wrote:
>> Is there an API/method that will allow a java program with access to
>> the installation directory [NOT THE DOMAIN DIRECTORY] determine the
>> version of the server installed in that directory?
>> Here is my use case...
>> When the user registers a domain in the NetBeans plugin, they need to
>> identify which executables are associated with it... like asadmin. I
>> have run into situations where users have said that they want to use
>> the 8.2 libraries, etc. to try to communicate with a 9.0 domain...
>> This doesn't work, but fails in some very confusing ways.
>> I want to stop users from being able to do this.
>> So, I need to find a way to compare the version of the
>> 'installation/executable bits' with the version of the 'domain bits'...
>> I had been using the DOCTYPE that was in the
>> default-domain.xml.template (until rev 1.47) to do the comparision...
>> See
>> Thanks,
>> vbk
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