Re: 3 Test Failures on runtest - SOLVED!

From: David Harrigan <>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:47:44 +0100

Hi Everyone,

Just would like to say that this issue has been resolved now. It was due to
the build not cleaning out correctly, thus not building appserv-rt.jarcorrectly
(it was missing the AppVerifier.class). Here's the posting from Sahoo on

This is actually a bug in build script. I have seen that source being
excluded from javac source list, but what I had seen in the past is that gets compiled when javac reaches that source file by
traversing the dependency tree. So, even if it is excluded, it actually
gets compiled. The thing to note here is that that source file gets
compiled only if the corresponding class in not in compiler classpath
and one of the file that depends on that source file is compiled. So, I
have a feeling that your appserv-core module was not cleaned properly.
Can you do the following:
cd appserv-core
find . -name AppVerifier.class
maven clean
maven build
find . -name AppVerifier.class
Once I did this and ran the tests, it all worked (62 passing tests). As
per Sahoo's suggestion, I'll file a bug report on this that
the build script gets fixed...