Re: 3 Test Failures on runtest

From: Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo <Sanjeeb.Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 16:20:42 +0530

Hi David,

The following output is strange. It says verification failed, yet deployment was successful:

     [exec] deploy --secure=false --user admin --terse=true --target server --echo=true --upload=true --port 4848 --interactive=true --passwordfile /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/config/adminpassword.txt --availabilityenabled=false --enabled=true --retrieve /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/archive --generatermistubs=false --host localhost --precompilejsp=false --force=true --verify=true /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/archive/web-subclassingApp.ear
     [exec] CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deploying application in domain failed; com/sun/enterprise/tools/verifier/AppVerifier

     [echo] Deployment on target server server successful

I don't think the deployment was successful. Can you try deploying the generated ear file using *asadmin* command directly? Try once with *--verify=true* and second time with *--verify=false*. See the server.log, there might be more information there about the failures.


David Harrigan wrote:
> Hi,
> updated to the nightly build
> database started, and now I'm getting the reproducible failure on
> running the web-ejb test. I've
> included an attachment of the generated output. I'm doing this:
> in appserv-test
> export APS_HOME=$PWD && export
> S1AS_HOME=/home/david/projects/glassfish/publish/glassfish
> $S1AS_HOME/bin/asant startDomain (starts successfully)
> $S1AS_HOME/bin/asant startDerby (starts successfully)
> cd sqetests/web/subclassing
> $S1AS_HOME/bin/asant run-test
> and the output is as described (i just modified the build.xml to
> remove the undeploy because I wanted
> to see if it was actually being deployed on the appserver (the test
> tears it down again)). It isn't.
> -=david=-
> On 10/18/06, *Sivakumar Thyagarajan* <
> <>> wrote:
> > test you highlighted below, it says that it can't connect to
> localhost
> > on port 1527.
> Sorry David, I missed mentioning that derby also needs to be started
> using the startDerby target. This should fix the issue you are
> mentioning.
> The corrected instructions:
> > - cd $APS_HOME
> > - $S1AS_HOME/bin/asant startDomain
> > - $S1AS_HOME/bin/asant startDerby
> > - cd sqetests/connector/cci
> > - $S1AS_HOME/bin/asant all
> Thanks
> --Siva.
> David Harrigan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks for your email. I tried following your instructions, but
> during
> > the individual
> > test you highlighted below, it says that it can't connect to
> localhost
> > on port 1527.
> > This is the derby port naturally, so guess I need the database
> > running...the app
> > server itself is not running. It doesn't mention on this page:
> >
> >
> <>
> >
> <
> >
> >
> > near the bottom about running tests that derby needs to run...
> >
> > BTW, after doing a complete update and rebuild I only get 1
> error now,
> > that's in
> > the web-to-ejb module.
> >
> > -=david=-
> >
> > On 10/18/06, *Sivakumar Thyagarajan*
> < <>
> > <mailto:
> <>>> wrote:
> >
> > Hi David
> >
> > The QL tests seems to be passing in the last couple of
> builds [1].
> >
> > > Any ideas on where to start looking to solve this?
> > One way to debug these failures is to run a test alone and
> watch out
> > for
> > errors/exceptions in the server/client log.
> >
> > Here are instructions to run a test
> > [assume domain/derby is stopped and APS_HOME/S1AS_HOME is
> configured]
> > - cd $APS_HOME
> > - $S1AS_HOME/bin/asant startDomain
> > - $S1AS_HOME/bin/asant stopDomain
> > - cd sqetests/connector/cci
> > - $S1AS_HOME/bin/asant all
> >
> > Thanks
> > --Siva.
> > [1]
> >
> <>
> > David Harrigan wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I'm getting three test failures on running appserv-tests
> runtest at:
> > >
> > > Connector:cci Connector standalone rar Test status:ID
> > > Connector:cci Connector Embedded rar Test status:ID
> > > web-to-ejb (ear based)
> > >
> > > on v2 b21
> > >
> > > I've just checked out the sources and followed the build
> > instructions
> > > and running the test instructions.
> > >
> > > Any ideas on where to start looking to solve this?
> > >
> > > TIA
> > >
> > > -=david=-
> >
> >
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> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> <>
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> <>>
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> <>
> > <
> <>>
> >
> >
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> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> <>
> For additional commands, e-mail:
> <>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Buildfile: build.xml
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> clean:
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> clean-common:
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> clean-classes-common:
> [delete] Deleting directory /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> clean-jars-common:
> compile:
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> compile-common:
> [mkdir] Created dir: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes
> [javac] Compiling 9 source files to /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> compile-common:
> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes
> build:
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> webclient-war-common:
> [mkdir] Created dir: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/archive
> clear:
> test-tlds-exist:
> copy-tlds:
> test-tagfiles-exist:
> copy-tagfiles:
> package-war-common:
> [mkdir] Created dir: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/tmp
> [mkdir] Created dir: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/tmp/WEB-INF
> [mkdir] Created dir: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/tmp/WEB-INF/classes
> [mkdir] Created dir: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/tmp/WEB-INF/lib
> [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/tmp/WEB-INF
> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/sqetests/web/subclassing/${webservices.xml} to copy.
> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/sqetests/web/subclassing/${mappingfile.location}/${} to copy.
> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/sqetests/web/subclassing/${wsdlfile.location}/${} to copy.
> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/sqetests/web/subclassing/${tagPlugins.xml} to copy.
> [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/tmp/WEB-INF
> [copy] Copying 10 files to /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/tmp/WEB-INF/classes
> [jar] Building jar: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/archive/web-subclassing-web.war
> [delete] Deleting directory /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/tmp/WEB-INF
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> ejb-jar-common:
> package-ejbjar-common:
> [mkdir] Created dir: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/META-INF
> [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/META-INF
> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/sqetests/web/subclassing/${persistence-orm.xml} to copy.
> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/sqetests/web/subclassing/${webservices.xml} to copy.
> [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/META-INF
> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/sqetests/web/subclassing/${sun-cmp-mappings.xml} to copy.
> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/sqetests/web/subclassing/${dbschema} to copy.
> [jar] Building jar: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/archive/web-subclassing-ejb.jar
> [delete] Deleting directory /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/META-INF
> setOSConditions:
> fixFiles:
> convUnix:
> convWin:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> ear-common:
> [mkdir] Created dir: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/classes/META-INF
> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/sqetests/web/subclassing/descriptor/sun-application.xml to copy.
> [ear] Building ear: /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/archive/web-subclassingApp.ear
> deploy-ear:
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> deploy-verify-common:
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> deploy-verify-common-pe:
> [exec] deploy --secure=false --user admin --terse=true --target server --echo=true --upload=true --port 4848 --interactive=true --passwordfile /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/config/adminpassword.txt --availabilityenabled=false --enabled=true --retrieve /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/archive --generatermistubs=false --host localhost --precompilejsp=false --force=true --verify=true /home/david/projects/glassfish/glassfish/appserv-tests/build/module/archive/web-subclassingApp.ear
> [exec] CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deploying application in domain failed; com/sun/enterprise/tools/verifier/AppVerifier
> [echo] Deployment on target server server successful
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> deploy-verify-common-ee:
> run-ear:
> setOSConditions:
> setToolWin:
> setToolUnix:
> setToolProperty:
> setS1ASclassPath:
> init-common:
> runwebclient-common:
> [java] size of buffer is1590
> [java] HTTP port :8080
> [java] HTTP hostname :localhost
> [java] addTest with testSuiteId:: testId -> web-to-ejb (ear based)::/subclassing/index.html
> [java] WebServer returned error code 404
> [java] Request Resource not available
> [java] There is some deployment error
> [java] !!Server returned error..Application Exiting
> [java] web-to-ejb (ear based) /subclassing/index.html FAIL
> [java] in flushAll , creating new testSuiteHash
> [java] in flushAll , creating new testSuiteHash
> run-test:
> Total time: 4 seconds
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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