Re: Issues with entity-persistence-tests on MaxDB

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 22:12:45 +0200


thank you for that great tip! Actually I have undone all changes to the
tests and instead set getMaxFieldNameSize to 32. In fact, the problems
with the too-long names are all gone now! It definitively was the
solution I was looking for. :-)

Thanks for all

Tom Ware wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> Now that I have had a chance to take a look at your output and your
> initial changes, I have found a solution for you that may avoid having
> to change the tests. The reason I did not discover this issue sooner
> is that OraclePlatform already makes use of this fix and therefore I
> was unable to see the overly long foreign key names in my log because
> they simply were not generated.
> DatabasePlatform implements getMaxFieldNameSize,
> getMaxForeignKeyNameSize and getMaxUniqueKeyNameSize. These methods
> can be overridden in your DatabasePlatform subclass. When you have
> done that, you should be able to avoid an TopLink generated tables or
> constraints having names that are too long. Take a look at
> OraclePlatform. It overides getMaxFieldNameSize() and that prevents
> our tests from having the error you are seeing when we test on
> Oracle. Hopefully just implementing those methods will solve the
> problem for you on MaxDB.
> -Tom
> Markus KARG wrote:
>> Tom,
>> just as a clarification: I did not send a zip file containing source
>> code but I just sent you instructions what needs to be changed. Actually
>> I am not aware whether my code changes are correct so I hoped that you
>> will do the actual code changes on your own -- it's just renaming two
>> objects, I think you're done in a few minutes. I think that I changed
>> too much and this might be the cause of some of my problems.
>> Unfortunately there is no well done documentation on that and so I am
>> likely to have produced more bugs than I fixed. So it would be the best
>> if you're doing the renaming for me. :-)
>> Thanks
>> Markus
>> Tom Ware wrote:
>>> Hey Markus,
>>> Just one comment:
>>>>> Just send your changes and I'll do my best to get them in soon.
>>>> I have sent them with separate email and give the tests another try
>>>> once
>>>> you're done with the commit
>>> FYI: The Oracle email system will not accept attachments that end in
>>> ".zip". If you have sent the changes as a ".zip" please resend as a
>>> ".jar".
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tom
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