Re: Issues with entity-persistence-tests on MaxDB

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 16:12:01 -0400

Hi Markus,

  Now that I have had a chance to take a look at your output and your
initial changes, I have found a solution for you that may avoid having
to change the tests. The reason I did not discover this issue sooner is
that OraclePlatform already makes use of this fix and therefore I was
unable to see the overly long foreign key names in my log because they
simply were not generated.

  DatabasePlatform implements getMaxFieldNameSize,
getMaxForeignKeyNameSize and getMaxUniqueKeyNameSize. These methods can
be overridden in your DatabasePlatform subclass. When you have done
that, you should be able to avoid an TopLink generated tables or
constraints having names that are too long. Take a look at
OraclePlatform. It overides getMaxFieldNameSize() and that prevents our
tests from having the error you are seeing when we test on Oracle.
Hopefully just implementing those methods will solve the problem for you
on MaxDB.


Markus KARG wrote:

>just as a clarification: I did not send a zip file containing source
>code but I just sent you instructions what needs to be changed. Actually
>I am not aware whether my code changes are correct so I hoped that you
>will do the actual code changes on your own -- it's just renaming two
>objects, I think you're done in a few minutes. I think that I changed
>too much and this might be the cause of some of my problems.
>Unfortunately there is no well done documentation on that and so I am
>likely to have produced more bugs than I fixed. So it would be the best
>if you're doing the renaming for me. :-)
>Tom Ware wrote:
>>Hey Markus,
>> Just one comment:
>>>>Just send your changes and I'll do my best to get them in soon.
>>>I have sent them with separate email and give the tests another try once
>>>you're done with the commit
>>FYI: The Oracle email system will not accept attachments that end in
>>".zip". If you have sent the changes as a ".zip" please resend as a