Re: Issues with entity-persistence-tests on MaxDB - renamed from: (Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse)

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 13:20:27 -0400

Hi Markus,

  I have attempted to cover a number of your questions in an earlier


>>2. You would like to be able to filter which tests run.
>Maybe it is a silly question, but in fact this not solves my needs
>(a) How to know which tests passed successfully? I didn't see success
>lines in testresults.txt.
>(b) How to know which suites passed completely? I do not want to switch
>off suites that passed only in part.
The test framework is a fJUnit model built with a base JUnit TestSuite
containing other suites and tests. I'm afraid we have not built any
sophisticated way of filtering tests. I often run the individual test
suite subclasses without running the FullRegressionTestSuite (e.g. I run
EntityManagerJUnitTestSuite by itself). When I do that, I expect to see
all the tests that happen to be in this suite passing.

Perhaps a strategy you could use is to operate on the suites several at
a time by either writing our own wrapper class, or by commenting out the
lines that add certain test suites in FullRegressionTestSuite. I
realize this is not a particularly sophisticated way of doing things,
but it is all I can think of right now.

Perhaps there are some community members that can suggest some JUnit
utilities or frameworks that could make this easier.


>>3. Issue with Delete
>>Wayne's email points out an issue with the SQL. I am wondering if
>>this is a bug. Can you tell me which test/tests are showing the
>>problem and I will see what SQL I am getting?
>Wayne was right actually as I write in separate mail. The SQL is the
>problem. It in fact is wrong. It also doesn't run in a simpel JDBC
>runner. But it runs, once corrected the way Wayne proposed. Can you
>please fix that? I have attached the complete testresults.txt so you can
>see what tests are to be changed. Thanks a lot! :-)
>>4. Issue with tearDown
>>Are there other tests failing in this TestSuite? Is it possible
>>setup() is not running in this test suite because of earlier issues?
>I have attached testesults.txt so you can see what happened.
>There is one more point I want to add. As I already wrote in may email
>to Wayne, it seems that the tests do not clean up correctly. For
>example, after the test is through, I was able to run "SELECT * FROM
>CMP3_SALARY" without any problem. This means, that table(s) was not
>getting killed.
>Thanks for you kind help!