Re: Please check if M2 Highlights is missing some key features

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 09:41:35 -0700

At the time of GFv2-M2, the only stable WSIT stack was the one with
JAXWS2.0.1-XXXXX and hence that is what is present in GFv2 as of now.

JAXWS2.1 based WSIT stack is expected to be integrated into GFv2
sometime this week only.


Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
>>> Kohsuke, Doug - what version of JAX-WS and JAXB is in M2?
>> jaxws2.0.1
> I don't understand this. There's no such version as JAX-WS 2.0.1 yet.
> We only had JAX-WS 2.0.1 M1, and that wasn't even passing all the
> TCKs, IIRC. We can't possibly be using it.