Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 09:27:11 -0400

Hi Markus,

  The first step to running the tests (as Marina has also replied) is to
take a look at the readme.txt file in the entity-persistence-tests
directory and follow those instructions. If you do not have a DB (other
than MaxDB) conveniently available you can use an embedded Derby
database. Everything you need to do that is available from a
bootstrapped GlassFish. As you can probably tell from my email address,
I usually run these tests on Oracle, so I am not a Derby expert, but,
here are the properties I use when I am running tests on Derby:

jdbc.driver.jar=<cvs home>/publish/glassfish/javadb/lib/derby.jar
The tests actually take on the order of 20 minutes to run on embedded 
Derby.  If you have a commercial-quality database, the tests will run 
much quicker.  (my tests on Oracle run in less then 5 minutes)
Markus KARG wrote:
>Tom Ware wrote:
>>2. Update entity-persistence, entity-persistence-tests and
>>appserv-tests from CVS
>>- entity-persistence = the source for the module
>>- entity-persistence-tests = the testing module
>>- appserv-tests = the appserver's quicklook tests.  They are a
>>prerequisite for check-in
>ok, thanks to Dinesh and you I finally have those folders on my local
>machine now and had been able to do cvs up inside of them. :-)
>>3. Make my changes in the entity-persistence module and compile them:
>>- maven clean
>>- maven build
>>- I assume basic maven commands are running since you say you can do a
>>full build
>ok (actually did not add code yet but tried out the commands only)
>>4. Add any tests I need to the testing module and compile them:
>>- maven clean
>>- maven build
>ok (actually did not add code yet but tried out the commands only)
>>5. Run the entity-persistence-tests
>>- Some small amount of configuration and an ant task
>>- If you get this far, let me know and I should be able to get you
>>going quite quickly
>So now next step would be 5.
>Can you give me instructions on how to do that, or shall I go on using
>the "Quick Test" links Dinesh provided me?
>Thanks a lot, you are very helpful!
>>6. Request a code review (entity-persistence fixes are usually
>>reviewed by either Gordon Yorke - or myself)  Code
>>reviews requests should be sent to
>>7. Run the QuickLook tests
>>- One of the Sun folks can probably help you with that better than me,
>>but if you get stuck I'll gladly tell you how I am configured
>>8.  Check in
>>I'll gladly help you with any of these steps, just send me an email,
>>Markus KARG wrote:
>>>Okay, stop... please. ;-)
>>>I am a beginner with Glassfish. I started using JEE 5 SDK some weeks ago
>>>and just want to contribute MaxDB compatibility. With or without
>>>clustering?! My god, how should I know?! SNAPSHOTs? Well, actually I
>>>have no clue of Maven at all. What's a SNAPSHOT good for? NO PLEASE,
>>>actually I don't care for. I just want to know how to get this thing
>>>built and running. Sorry for beeing so explicit, but in fact I just
>>>wanted to contribute one day for that MaxDB thing, and now weeks are
>>>Nevertheless, thanks a lot!
>>>P.S.: Once more the tip: If you want beginners to contribute to
>>>Glassfish, you should not overload them with lots of different
>>>information on several web sites. Just do one site that creates exactly
>>>one configuration. If the beginner is able to do that, provide a second
>>>page with additional features. But don't give him all information at
>>>start. That's just confusing.
>>>Dinesh Patil wrote:
>>>>Markus KARG wrote:
>>>>>I followed the instructions that are to be found here:
>>>>>but as I posted to the mailing list months ago, this actually isn't
>>>>>working. Please find the actual list of error messages in the mailing
>>>>>list archive (each time I try it, maven downloads several 100MB)...
>>>>The instructions are same, but the size of SNAPSHOT jar which is
>>>>prebuilt server image, is now about 65MB for V2 with clustering
>>>>features.. you can use "maven bootstrap-pe" for GlassFish V1 without
>>>>clustering features, this will download the image of about 50MB, these
>>>>targets will unzip the jar file to create the server image which will
>>>>be used for compiling only required modules.
>>>>>Maybe you have other instructions than those?
>>>>>Manfred Riem wrote:
>>>>>>Hi Markus,
>>>>>>What is unclear about the instructions? I have successfully compiled
>>>>>>Glassfish with the instructions on the website using the commandline.
>>>>>>Can you tell me which steps you have gone through?
>>>>>>Kind regards,
>>>>>>Manfred Riem
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>   -------- Original Message --------
>>>>>>   Subject: Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse
>>>>>>   From: Markus KARG <>
>>>>>>   Date: Thu, September 07, 2006 10:40 am
>>>>>>   To:
>>>>>>   Cc:
>>>>>>   In fact I did not receive any response to the email below, so I
>>>>>>am as
>>>>>>   far as I had been weeks ago. :-(
>>>>>>   Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>   > Dinesh, Markus,
>>>>>>   >
>>>>>>   > Were you able to resolve this?
>>>>>>   >
>>>>>>   > thanks,
>>>>>>   > -marina
>>>>>>   >
>>>>>>   > Markus KARG wrote On 08/31/06 10:44,:
>>>>>>   >     >> Dinesh,
>>>>>>   >>
>>>>>>   >> thank you for your kind help. It must be confusing reading the
>>>>>>   thread
>>>>>>   >> after all these weeks... So here once more what I have tried
>>>>>>to do.
>>>>>>   >>
>>>>>>   >> (1) First I tried to compile the entity-persistence module
>>>>>>only by
>>>>>>   >> downloading the complete GF code from CVS. This didn't work.
>>>>>>   >> (2) Then I learned about maven, so I did what the homepage
>>>>>>   tells about
>>>>>>   >> how to start compiling GF from scratch. This also didn't work.
>>>>>>   Then I
>>>>>>   >> write that one long email telling all the traps I have
>>>>>>fallen into.
>>>>>>   >>
>>>>>>   >> Both has nothing to do with Eclipse IDE. I tried both from the
>>>>>>   command
>>>>>>   >> line. Once it is possible to compile from the command line, one
>>>>>>   can doe
>>>>>>   >> "maven eclipse" to get an Eclipse IDE project. Since I cannot
>>>>>>   compile
>>>>>>   >> even at the command line, I never again tried from inside
>>>>>>the IDE.
>>>>>>   >>
>>>>>>   >> That's where I am.
>>>>>>   >>
>>>>>>   >> If you like me to test more things, tell me the *exact* steps
>>>>>>   what to
>>>>>>   >> do. The instructions on the web are not clear enough / are
>>>>>>   faulty, as I
>>>>>>   >> wrote in that one lone email.
>>>>>>   >>
>>>>>>   >> Markus
>>>>>>   >>
>>>>>>   >> Dinesh Patil wrote:
>>>>>>   >>
>>>>>>   >>       >>> Markus,
>>>>>>   >>>
>>>>>>   >>> I went throught the email thread, but I didn't get the full
>>>>>>   sequence
>>>>>>   >>> of your build commands. In some replies to Tom, looks like you
>>>>>>   try to
>>>>>>   >>> build single project e.g.entity-persistence. So if that's the
>>>>>>   case how
>>>>>>   >>> you are getting error in admin-gui?
>>>>>>   >>>
>>>>>>   >>> Can you please send the steps you tried when you got this
>>>>>>   compilation
>>>>>>   >>> error? as this error shows the customized ant task is
>>>>>>failed to
>>>>>>   >>> execute which depends on
>>>>>>admin-gui/admin-jsf/lib/ant-apt.jar file.
>>>>>>   >>>
>>>>>>   >>> thanks
>>>>>>   >>> Dinesh
>>>>>>   >>>
>>>>>>   >>> Jim Driscoll wrote:
>>>>>>   >>>
>>>>>>   >>>
>>>>>>   >>>         >>>> I haven't seen a reply to this - is Markus
>>>>>>being helped?
>>>>>>   >>>>
>>>>>>   >>>> Jim
>>>>>>   >>>>
>>>>>>   >>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>>>>   >>>>
>>>>>>   >>>>
>>>>>>   >>>>           >>>>> Team,
>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>   >>>>> Is there anybody on the dev alias who can help Markus? :(
>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>   >>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>   >>>>> -marina
>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>   >>>>> Dinesh Patil wrote On 08/22/06 17:45,:
>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>   >>>>>             >>>>>> this is failing in admin-gui/admin-jsf
>>>>>>which uses Apt taskdef,
>>>>>>   >>>>>> that's been added and executed using "exec"
>>>>>>   >>>>>>       <exec dir="." executable="${execute.ant}"
>>>>>>   failonerror="true">
>>>>>>   >>>>>>                <arg line="-f aptbuild.xml
>>>>>>   >>>>>> -Dglassfish.home=${glassfish.home} -lib
>>>>>>   >>>>>> compile" />
>>>>>>   >>>>>>        </exec>
>>>>>>   >>>>>>
>>>>>>   &