Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 12:22:21 -0700


Actually you are required to send patches first, before you are granted
a commit privilege ;). Which means that your cvs commit can be rejected.

The QLook instructions are quite good:
If you don't have your classpath set, and you provide correct email in the
modified, you might even get an email with tests results.

On my environment I usually have 2 test 'do not run' status in the result
because of some SSL settings, that do not affect anything in persistence
area, and for sure no persistence changes can affect the SSL support.


Markus KARG wrote:
> Tom,
> thanks for you kind help, its great to become part of this project. :-)
> Unfortunately I never used cvs often (I am an VSS an SVN admin only,
> never used cvs outside of Glassfish) so I hope I did the correct
> commands (as I wrote before, CVS is considered obsoleted by SVN by many
> companies, so I never had the chance to do more than a few tests with it
> before). Please find my comments inlined.
>>1. Update the Snapshot (in English: get the latest build and put it
>>where the build expects it to be.) To do this, I do the following:
>>- checkout the glassfish/bootstrap directory from cvs
> Since I had built Glassfish just minutes ago thanks to the great help of
> Dinesh PATIL (I think PATIL is the family name?), I just tried to
> update, so I guessed the following command:
> ok, cvs up -- It seems to have updated nothing -- I even didn't expect
> it to do update something, because I just did it one hour ago.
>>- From that directory: maven bootstrap {That downloads the latest
>>snapshot and puts it in the right place}
> ok, seems to have worked well.
>>- note: I don't even do a full glassfish build. entity-persistence is
>>quite isolated from the rest of GlassFish.
> ok, so I'll never cd into that bootstrap folder anymore
>>2. Update entity-persistence, entity-persistence-tests and
>>appserv-tests from CVS
>>- entity-persistence = the source for the module
> ok, cvs up -- nothing updated, certainly
>>- entity-persistence-tests = the testing module
> Well... there is no workspace/glassfish/entity-persistence-tests module
> actually. I have built Glassfish, but it didn't create such a folder.
> What to do now?
>>- appserv-tests = the appserver's quicklook tests. They are a
>>prerequisite for check-in
> Same with this, no such folder.
> Maven didn't create that.