Re: How many folks are using static analysis tools...

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 10:48:17 -0700


The warnings were from compiling code (using JDK 1.5) that did not
use generics (since they did not exist in JDK 1.4) eg:

Set s = getASet();

So, NO, I did not use generics incorrectly. I used JDK 1.4 facilities
available at the time, correctly.

And yes, I did not consider such warnings bugs. But definitely work


On Sep 28, 2006, at 7:37 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:

> Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
>> In my relatively recent experience using my own code, several
>> thousand warnings (mostly due to the introduction of generics,
>> now fixed), resulted in 0 bugs found. But I try to write very
>> clean code to begin with.
> So you found it useful in that it found several thousand places where
> you had used generics incorrectly? But you didn't consider them bugs
> because the code would've "worked" even if you hadn't gotten rid of
> the
> warnings?
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