New FindBugs Report

From: Aditya Dada <Aditya.Dada_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:58:49 -0400

Hi All,

Findbugs has a new look! The reporting formats have expanded.

There are now 4 different types of reports available at:

* fullreport sorts warnings by type.
* summaryreport sorts warnings by package, and is useful to find the most buggy class in a package.
* fancyreport provides links at the top that sort the Bug information according to Summary, Category, or Package.
* plainreport is a bare-bones version of the full report, and is useful when looking at a smaller set e.g. that of the delta report.

Delta Feature:
We have also implemented the new 'delta' feature of FindBugs, which will let us know if (and what) new bugs have been added since yesterday.

Look for the new links in the email.

FindBugs report is emailed daily to If you wish to recieve them daily, please subscribe to the alias.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions, please let me know.


attached mail follows:

*** Sun Proprietary/Confidential: For Internal Use Only ***

   FindBugs results for latest Solaris glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar and ee-image-SNAPSHOT.jar is at:

   Full Report:

   Detailed Report (by Summary/Package/Category):

   New Bugs Introduced Today:

   EJB Release Engineering