Re: server won't start - javax/jms/JMSException

From: Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 20:51:35 -0700

Bill Shannon wrote:

>> If you want to build only few modules, then you can use "bootstrap"
>> instead of "bootstrap-all" to get pre-built server image and update
>> your changes if the changes are not related to deleting the class files.
> Ok, I decided to start over. I did maven clobber bootstrap. I got:
> Attempting to download glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar.
> 71103K downloaded
> Cookie rejected: "$Version=0;
> JSESSIONID=ADD27B8B96DE0E1841926F71973A1B5F; $Path=/servlets". Illegal
> path attribute "/servlets". Path of origin:
> "/nonav/repository/glassfish-image/jars/glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar"
> build:start:
> Is that normal?

Yes, recently this started showing up, need to clean this up, will look
into this.

> Other than that, "clobber bootstrap" seems to have fixed the weird
> error I was getting. I sure wish we could find a way to make the
> whole checkout/build process more reliable...

Its reliable, only thing is the steps not documented in proper order,
working on the clean document for this..

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