AMX interfaces and getName(), et al

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2006 12:28:00 -0700


I sent Anissa a fix for the default values. I'll commit it today.

Regarding the name, just call getName() which is defined by the AMX
sub-interface. getEnabled() is defined by the Enabled sub-
interface. See the "All Superinterfaces" part of the Javadoc for

It's unfortunate that the Javadoc makes it hard to see all the
methods (including inherited ones).


On Aug 4, 2006, at 11:51 AM, Ana Caballero wrote:

> Hi Lloyd,
> Are the AMX API's available to get default values? If so, which
> AMX API's do I use?
> Also, I'm using the AMX API "ProfilerConfig" to get the attribute
> values and don't see a way to get the profiler name and if it's
> enabled. How do I get these values? I'm calling getClasspath(),
> getNativeLibraryPath() and don't see a way to get the profiler name
> and whether it is enabled.
> Thanks,
> Ana