Re: HEADSUP - need decision on which GF build to use for testing

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 16:27:16 -0700

I was chatting (complaining) with Sridatta about this this afternoon and
he said he would do a writeup on this.

If I understood correctly, the model is that you...

  * Can build a "V1" artifact from the current, i.e. V2 sources,
  * Can also build a "V2" artifact from the same sources.

The V2 artifact being capable of behaving as both "PE" and "SE" (in the
AS 8.x terminology). As I understood it, the only reason why there is a
"V1-from-V2" build is because we currently can't build a "V2-from-V2"
for the Mac OS X platform, and this is a transient situation.

Did I get it right?

        - eduard/o

Tim Quinn wrote:
> ludo wrote:
>> A nice xDesign guideline? :-)
>> Either we fix that, or we add PE or EE depending on the target.
>> How weird that a Java EE product has a PE and an EE edition...
>> Java EE EE
>> Yeeeeeeeee.
> It's just a good thing there's no SE any more! Imagine, we'd have Java
> EE SE and Java SE in addition to Java EE EE and Java EE PE.
> J(ava)EEPErs.
> - Tim
>> Ludo
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