Thanks a million. That worked and told me I had GF PE build 14.
Is there a bug filed on the server log incorrectly prefixing entries
with "sun-appserver-ee9.1" instead of "appserver-pe-9.1"
Terena Chinn-Fujii wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> Once you've configure-runtime-pe or setup.xml, you should be able to
> do the following:
> ./asadmin version --verbose
> Which should then let you know the build id.
> For example, last night's b15 build shows the following:
> java_re_at_repine%<17>./asadmin version --verbose
> Unable to communicate with admin server, getting version locally.
> Version = Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 9.1
> (build b15)
> Command version executed successfully.
> Also, the server.log file should show the build id as well.
> Hope that helps.
> Terena
> Tom Amiro wrote:
>> Terena,
>> I installed GF V2 from
>> http://javaweb.sfbay/java/re/glassfish/9.1/promoted/latest/latest/images/solaris/glassfish-image-pe-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> about 2:30 West Coast time yesterday. How do I know if it is b14?
>> The server log shows "appserver-pe" at the top but "appserver-ee" for
>> entries. I ran setup.xml
>> so it should be PE, right. But how do I tell?
>> Tom
>> Terena.Chinnfujii_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>>> The following build has been promoted:
>>> Product : glassfish v2
>>> Version : ea build b14
>>> Date : Thu Aug 24 14:39:42 2006
>>> The following images are available in their respective directories
>>> via the download page at https://glassfish.dev.java.net :
>>> GlassFish with Clustering:
>>> glassfish-image-v2-b14.jar
>>> glassfish-installer-v2-b14.jar
>>> PE without Clustering:
>>> glassfish-image-pe-v2-b14.jar
>>> glassfish-pe-installer-v2-b14.jar
>>> Persistence API:
>>> glassfish-persistence-installer-v2-b14.jar
>>> TYPE: Weekly promotion
>>> Comments:
>>> 0) Please note the different SNAPSHOT and JAR installer name
>>> changes as identified above.
>>> 1) This is a promotion from the TRUNK.
>>> 2) The following tests are executed and are all passing:
>>> PE Quicklooks on PE server image
>>> PE Quicklooks on PE installer
>>> SQE Smoke Tests on PE installer
>>> CTS Smoke Tests on PE installer
>>> EE Quicklooks on EE server image (Clustering)
>>> EE Quicklooks on EE installer
>>> SQE Smoke Tests on EE installer
>>> CTS Smoke Tests on EE installer
>>> 3) Sources are in the process of being tagged with the following
>>> identifier:
>>> SJSAS-9_1-B14-EA-24_Aug_2006
>>> Thanks,
>>> Terena
>>> GlassFish Release Engineering
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