ACTION: Pl review GlassFish v2 Milestone 2 Exit Criteria

From: Sridatta Viswanath <Sridatta.Viswanath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 22:05:39 -0700

We completed Milestone 1 today (yeah! and a big Thank You!!) and we have
started Milestone 2. Our goal is to have a very stable Milestone 2. With
this in mind, Carla and I put together the exit criteria for Milestone
2. The expectation is high -- especially the bug fixing requirements
are very steep compared to previous milestones. Milestone 2 dates are:
freeze (9/12) and completion (9/26). (The 2 weeks between freeze and
completion should be stabilization period to fix bugs)

Please review the criteria and let me know if you have questions/concerns.
