app client packaging issue wrt/ JAXRPC web service clients

From: Peter Williams <Pete.Williams_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 15:08:10 -0700

I posted this to the forums, but it's not getting any traffic, so I
thought I'd add it here. My question is wrt/ name conflicts for
generated stub classes for web services and clients in separate modules
within the same EAR.



I encountered the following scenario that I found rather peculiar --
this is all with J2EE 1.4 on Glassfish ur1_b03.

1. a JAXRPC web service in a web app using container generated stubs
(JSR-109 style).
2. an app client containing a JAXRPC web service client that calls this
web service, also container generated stubs (JSR-109).
3. an ear that packages these two modules together.

If the package name used for the web service client is the same as that
for the web service (e.g. test.Hello vs. test.Hello), then the app
client does not contain the full set of JAXRPC stubs and fails with a
missing serializer exception.

If the package name for the client is different from that of the web
service (e.g. testclient.Hello vs test.Hello) then the downloaded client
jar contains the correct set of stubs and seems to run ok (though one of
the file names suggests there still is some name contention -- if the
appclient is deployed standalone contains a pure set of stubs and also
runs fine).

I would have thought that when the EAR was deployed, the stubs for the
web module and stubs for the appclient would be generated separately in
separate folders, but this problem suggests that the appserver is
generating them in the same folder.

Bug or feature?