Re: No information on CVS-News...

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 14:48:59 -0700

If number 12345 corresponds to an issue, you don't
need the text either, as the link will give you
all the details. Right?


Trung Duc Tran wrote On 07/31/06 14:07,:
> Jan Luehe wrote on 07/31/2006 07:45 PM:
>>Also, we should agree on a format for commit messages related to bug fixes.
>>I suggest:
>> Fixed GlassFish Issue <id>
>> (<id>)
>> Synopsis: <synopsis>
> at NetBeans we use the convention [1]
> ---8<---
> #12345: random NPEs thrown from FooBarModule.
> ---8<---
> All "fixed", "Glassfish", "issue", url, "synopsis" are redundant
> information.
> The generator could turn #12345 into a clickable link to the issue
> and/or changeset in fisheye
> -t
> [1] I can't say we're 100% consistently though, NB committers are human
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