Re: Running glassfish in foreground?

From: Sameer Tyagi <Sameer.Tyagi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 14:59:39 -0400

I think one of the processes used to be the imq process. Is that still
the case ?


Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

> Cheng Fang wrote:
>> asadmin start-domain --verbose
>> asadmin help start-domain
>> --verbose By default this flag is set to false. If set
>> to true, detailed server startup output is
>> displayed. On Windows, press CTRL-Break in
>> the domain's
>> window to print a thread dump. On UNIX,
>> press CTRL-C to kill the server and press
>> CTRL-\ to print a thread dump.
> Ah, this is little better. On Windows, is there anyway to shut down a
> server started like this gracefully? If I Ctrl-C, it kills the batch
> file but the rest keeps running, and I need to manually "asadmin
> stop-domain".
> Also, I noticed that when I do "start-domain --verbose", it creates
> two cmd.exe processes (for two batch files), and three Java processes.
> I was hoping to just see one Java process, so that I can kill it with
> Ctrl+C (or Process.destroy() from Java) and be done with it.
> I'm curious why this many processes are necessary. Sorry to keep using
> Tomcat as a comparison, but when I do "catalina.bat run", I only see
> one cmd.exe and one Java process (and when I invoke it from Java, I
> can recreate the batch file, so all I need to launch is another Java
> process.)